Government Budget Cut Plans

RMT Warns Of Social Breakdown And Further Riots As Government Plans Budget Cuts To Top Tax While Hammering Public Services

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today warned of social breakdown and further riots as the ConDem coalition Government of public school-educated millionaires prepares to widen the gap between rich and poor by handing out tax cuts to the rich while hammering jobs, wages and services in the country’s public sector.

On Wednesday, RMT will be joined by sister unions and members of the travelling public in a budget-day of protest against attacks on rail services that would see massive jobs and safety cuts while ratcheting up fares and handing the profiteering train operators 15 year, gold-plated franchises. There will be protests on Wednesday morning at railway stations the length and breadth of the country.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“If all the leaks and spin are to be believed this rotten Government of the wealthy elite is planning to hand out tax cuts for the rich while presiding over attacks on transport and the wider public services that would reduce them to rubble."

“The gap between rich and poor has widened to unprecedented levels in modern times under this bunch of chancers and further concessions to the rich would impact directly on social cohesion and the anger generated could well spill over into further riots on Britain’s streets as the disaffected and disenfranchised lash out at a system that has failed them."

“On Wednesday, RMT will be demanding that the Government halt the jobs and safety cuts on the railways and we will also be reaffirming our commitment to work with other unions on joint campaigns, including industrial action, to defend jobs, conditions and pensions."

“If the bankers, spivs and speculators who would benefit from the widely-trailed tax cut are saying they would leave the country if the Government don’t cave into their demands, and take their unalloyed greed elsewhere, then RMT would say good riddance to them.”

> RMT National News

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Thursday, 11th July
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Wednesday, 10th July
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