'Solidarity with strikers' public rally

SOLIDARITY WITH STRIKERS - Morning Star Public Rally, Weds 10 August 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Senior Assistant General Secretary Eddie Dempsey will be speaking at the Morning Star rally SOLIDARITY WITH STRIKERS at the Indian YMCA (41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ) on Wednesday 10 August 2022.

Other speakers include Mick Whelan (ASLEF), Daniel Kebede (NEU), Ruth Hayes (Unite), Helen O'Connor (GMB), Sarah-Jane McDonagh (TSSA), John Hendy QC and Ben Chacko (Morning Star editor).

Circular: strike called as LUL fail to give assurances on jobs, pensions and working conditions

2nd August 2022


Further to my previous Circular (IR/135/22), dated 28th June 2022, this Union gave London Underground until today to provide assurances on three key issues of this dispute:

New Tube strike called as Tube bosses 'totally fail to give guarantees'

Strike action on the Tube and Overground to go ahead on 19 August

Transport workers on the London Underground and Overground network will take 24-hour strike action in separate disputes on August 19th.

Tube workers have been locked in a dispute over attacks to pensions and jobs for over 6 months while Overground workers employed by Arriva Rail London will strike over pay.

RMT solidarity with Jason Moriarty

The RMT offers full support and solidarity with our comrade Jason Moriarty following his disclosure to his employer, London Underground, of a disability.

RMT London Transport region is organising to ensure that Brother Moriarty is defended and supported. Finsbury Park branch has passed a motion of support for Jason which is below, along with the National Executive Committees response.

Branch Meeting 27th July

Your Branch Officials have made the decision to make tomorrows Branch Meeting, 27th July 2022, a Hybrid Zoom meeting. This is due to the National Rail strike affecting some TOCs.

We understand some members and reps who live outside of London would struggle to attend. Therefore we will use a laptop to make the meeting Hybrid. 

RMT will strike again unless assurances given on pensions, jobs and agreements

Tube workers will take strike action in an ongoing dispute over pensions and jobs on August 19.

The latest call for action has been prompted by TfL's refusal to share the details of a draft government proposal they received regarding funding of the transport system in the capital, in secret and without any discussion with their recognised trade unions.

Tube strike called on 19th of August

Tube workers will take strike action in an ongoing dispute over pensions and jobs on August 19.

The latest call for action has been prompted by TfL's refusal to share the details of a draft government proposal they received regarding funding of the transport system in the capital, in secret and without any discussion with their recognised trade unions.

Progress made on Night Tube betrayal dispute

21st July 2022

Dear colleague

Imposition of Night Tube Duties, Train Operators - London Underground

I am pleased to report that, following over 20 sessions at ACAS and with London Underground management having previously shown no sign of shifting, progress has now been made on the Night Tube dispute. As you will know, this dispute began after management ripped up agreements that Night Tube duties would not be imposed on members and that the service would be run on a voluntary basis.

Night Tube strike suspended following offer from Tube management

The RMT National Executive Committee has taken the decision to accept an offer on Night Tube from London Underground, to agree a minimum number on each line who wish to preference Night Tube duties. RMT's Train Functional Council will meet to discuss the implementation of this and assist local reps in monitoring of all Night Tube duties being carried out by volunteers.  

RMT enters dispute over continued outsourcing of Tube cleaning

RMT declares dispute over outsourced Underground cleaners following ‘stitch up’ review.

RMT has warned London mayor Sadiq Khan that it would be declaring another dispute on the Underground and balloting for strike action after it emerged that heroic Tube cleaners have been condemned to three more years of outsourcing following what the union described as “a stitch up behind closed doors”.