Finsbury Park branch

Includes all cleaners, plus London Underground station staff on the Victoria Line and from Knightsbridge eastwards on the Piccadilly Line; plus drivers at Seven Sisters and Arnos Grove depots

Resolution: Escalation of LU Job Cuts Dispute

This resolution, submitted (and amended) by Finsbury Park branch, was carried by the November meeting of the Regional Council:

This Region calls upon the union to urgently campaign for an escalation of the action in the dispute regarding jobs and safety on LUL as already agreed at regional level in order to win the dispute.

We recommend that one of the days for action should be Saturday 18th December.

Monthly News Strike Special - October 2010

Please click on the attachment to download a copy of Finsbury Park's Strike Special edition.

In this newsletter:

STRIKE FOR JOBS AND SAFETY - ROUND 3 - How our actions are really hurting the company and why we need to keep up the pressure;

FIREFIGHTERS' STRIKES - LUL managers say there is no danger on the railway arising from the firefighters' strikes. Great. Now read the truth;

Hands off Peter Hartshorn!

Green Park group Industrial Rep, Peter Hartshorn has come under attack by local management. He faces the trumped up allegation of swearing at a DSM, which could result in a CDI and possible dismissal. In reality, the only thing for which Peter is guilty is being an effective local rep prepared to defend his members and stand up to management bullying and intimidation. Read more by clicking on the attachment below.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - October 2010

Click on the attachment below to download the October edition of Monthly News.

In this issue:

  • WORKERS UNITED 2, MANAGEMENT AND SCABS 0. How LUL was floored by the second 24-hour strike;
  • HAND OFF PETER HARTSHORN! Yet another rep faces victimisation at the hands of Piccadilly line management. But we're not standing for it. Defend our reps. Defend Peter Hartshorn!

Disciplinary – Peter Hartshorn and Bullying of Members – Piccadilly Line LUL

RMT's General Grades Committee today made the following decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser, the resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch and we understand that similar concerns are shared by our Piccadilly and District West Branch. There is no doubt that our representative is facing victimisation and must have the full backing of this union.

This matter is referred to the Southern Sub Committee for examination and report.

Resolution: London Underground Attendance Policy

This resolution, submitted by Morden & Oval branch and amended by Finsbury Park branch, was passed unanimously by October's Regional Council meeting.

This Regional Council notes that management are pressurising members to sign agreements regarding their attendance performance. This has led to our members who have failed to meet this attendance target level being dismissed.

The Regional Council reaffirms its opposition to management's attendance policy.

Strike for Jobs and Safety - Round 2

After the successful strike on 7th September and with an overtime ban causing stations to close and engineering works to be cancelled, London Underground management is coming under strong pressure to return to the negotiating table. We can win this fight for a safe and properly staffed railway, but only if we crank up the pressure. Finsbury Park's latest leaflet explains how our overtime ban is hurting the company and calls on all members to make the next strike on October 3rd/4th even stronger than the first.

Download a copy by clicking on the attachment.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - September 2010 Strike Special

Click on the attachment to download the latest Monthly News, the newsletter of Finsbury Park branch.

In this edition:

SUPER STRIKE FLOORS LUL - a Monthly News round-up of how the strike hit home in the areas covered by our branch; WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? - why there is no fence to sit on in this dispute; WORSE IS STILL TO COME - with the government expected to demand between 25 and 40% of cuts to the transport budget, the 800 threatened station jobs is merely the start of the jobs cull;