Every Job Matters - Defending London Underground Jobs


Local Investigatory Report into Canning Town Evacuation Slams Fit for the Future

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RMT Head Office has seen a draft Local Investigatory Report into a PTI incident and station evacuation at Canning Town in May of this year.

“With the Control Room at Canning Town being unstaffed there was no central base for communications to flow in and out of.”

“Station classification lead to low numbers of staff being present to manage an emergency.”

LU Imposes Transfer & Promotion Policy on Stations

Management have renaged on an agreement to negotiate a Transfer & Promotion policy (T&P).

They will now impose further displacements of members who are covering down or are over establishment.

RMT has insisted that members have some say, through a nomination process, about where they get sent to for their substantive roles.

Managemnet say that each move will be ordered according to what saves LU the most money.

Management intend to push ahead with an imposed policy even though there is no agreed appeals process for members who get displaced.

Management Impose Transfer & Promotion Policy on Stations

Management Impose Transfer & Promotion Policy

  • Displacements to Higher Grade Cover Down and Substantive Positions will be based on what saves LU the most money - Preferences will be ineffectual unless you volunteer to move more than 30 mins.

  • No agreed appeals process against Unfair Moves

  • Promotional Process remains Unacceptable

Latest from Company Council Sub Group (CCSG) Talks

Transfer & Promotion (T&P)

Following months of talks in which RMT has out the issue of avoiding multiole displacements following FftF, LU has finally issued a revised proposla that guarantees no-one will be displaced sideways. What this means is that anyone covering down one grade can only be displaced into their permanent substantive position. This removes the threat, contained in all of LU's T&P proposals until now, that members could be dislaced up to five times as LU shuffled us about to get rid of cover downs and over establishment positions.

Preparations in place for Fit for the Future ballot


Further to my previous Circular (IR/196/16, 15th July 2016), members will recall the previous National Executive Committee to organise a meeting of Stations Reps to review the implementation of Fit for the Future – Stations to discuss our strategy, including possible industrial action.

Interim Transfer and Promotion Process

The recent letters sent out by LUL  to  all stations staff who are presently shown as either " Over-Established" or " Covering- Down" at their current locations is for reference purposes only and no member of staff should take any further action on it. The Stations Functional Council is currently still in a formal process of negotiation with LUL over a possible agreed Interim Transfer and Promotion Process and, until this has been officially signed off by the RMT, they should disregard any communications received from LUL Management.

Every Job Matters meeting


Further to my previous Circular (IR/175/16, 22nd June 2016), members will recall the NEC decision to organise a Stations & Revenue Reps to discuss industrial action following the implementation of the “Fit for the Future” programme which is having a detrimental effect of members working lives with serious implications for their work-life balance. The arrangements for this meeting have now been finalised and are as follows:-

Strike action to be considered over tube job cuts impact


Further to my previous Circular (IR/144/16, 19th May 2016), the following resolution has been received from Bakerloo Branch:-

“This Branch notes:

- The hugely detrimental effect of the “Fit for the Future” programme on our members’ working lives, including through a severe impact on work/life balance.

- LU’s plans for similar restructuring projects in other areas and functions, including trains.