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Dear Colleague
YOUR UNION. YOUR VOICE. Campaigning for a YES vote to keep RMT's Political Fund.
With two weeks to go until the despatch of ballot papers just a quick reminder about campaigning for a YES Vote in the RMT Political Fund ballot. The ballot opens on 16th September and closes on 21st October.
Campaign materials have been distributed to reps, branches and regional offices but please do not hesitate to contact if you need more posters, leaflets or stickers.
Social media and campaign web page.
Also, a reminder there is a campaign web page (link below), where you can copy materials for use on your RMT social media, such as union WhatsApp groups.
The ballot is not about political affiliation, or if members pay into the fund - members are voting on the basic right to keep the Political Fund so the union can keep campaigning on their behalf.
For example, the RMT Political Fund has been used for union campaigns to defend jobs, pay, conditions and pensions, opposing ticket office closures, scrapping the anti-union minimum services legislation, for public ownership and increased public investment in public transport, better rights for seafarers after the P&O scandal and improving offshore members' safety and job security.
The evidence shows that once members are aware of the issues they are very supportive of the Political Fund.
Thanks for all your assistance in supporting the campaign for a YES vote to keep the Political Fund.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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