We Can Fight Job Cuts & We Can Win

By John Reid London Transport Regional Council Secretary

The Evening Standard has reported that TfL plans hundreds of job losses on the Tube and London Overground. The Government has cut the grant to Tfl by 12.5%, £222million.
So the Evening Standard gets to discuss the cuts and changes in job descriptions, but management cannot sit around a table and discuss with your elected representatives.
These cuts will impact on the safety of the travelling public, our ability to service the needs of VIP's and other disabled passengers, who praised the role of our staff during the Olympics.
Our campaign must highlight, to the travelling public, how the cuts will affect their services. We must target community campaigns, disability groups and other interested parties. We must also put the GLA on the spot. Will they argue for a reverse in these cuts and demand full funding for the Tube and Overground?
Other Trade Unions should be involved in our campaign; we must raise the campaign against cuts in the Trades Councils. If the RMT is defeated it will lead to an onslaught on the conditions of other workers in London.

Every Branch must hold special meetings to discuss the cuts, produce specific leaflets on how cuts will affect their groups, the region will produce material on top of this.
A massive recruitment campaign must be undertaken to build RMT membership. All members should aim to recruit new members into the RMT.

Joint meetings with other rail unions should be held to build unity in the workplace to fight all cuts.
Our wages and conditions have been won through years of struggle. The real wages of Londoners has been cut by 7.5% over the last 5 years and thousands of jobs have been lost. Our Union and our members must draw a line in the sand, stand and fight to defend our conditions and the conditions of our families. We will not surrender one job, one penny off our pay or pensions.

TfL directors have recently awarded themselves huge bonuses, our reward job cuts. We will not stand for this shabby and duplicitous treatment. We will resist their plans for job cuts. This is a fight we can and must win.


0900 hours WEDNESDAY 17th JULY Nearest Tube London Bridge go to Tooley St exit. GLA HQ next to Tower Bridge. It is Mayor's question time we will be lobbying the Authority members. No to Cuts!

Regional leafleting and recruitment days, fight the cuts!

Wednesday 17th July Meet at lobby or at 1030 hours outside London Bridge.

Tuesday 23rd July Meet outside Kings Cross station at 1030 hours.

Wednesday 24th July Meet outside Victoria Station at 1030 hours.