Tory Call To Ban Tube Strikes Like Act Of Fascist Dictator Says Bob Crow

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “One of the first things fascist dictators like Hitler, Mussolini and Pinochet did when they seized power was to ban transport workers from taking strike action so the Tory group on the London Assembly find themselves in some high profile company on this one.

“This crowd have obviously over-dosed on their post-Thatcher adulation and are looking to ramp-up the anti-union rhetoric in advance of the publicly financed funeral on Wednesday. Of course, banning the fundamental human right to withdraw your labour, a right that distinguishes a free workforce from forced labour, is all the rage on the far right and anyone stupid enough to try and embark on such a policy is doomed to failure as Boris Johnson found out.”

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 1st May
Reacting to media reports that suggest there could be attempts to water down the New Deal for workers to ease business concerns, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said:
Wednesday, 24th April
Mick Lynch, RMT general secretary said:
Thursday, 18th April
RAIL UNION RMT has rejected a below-inflation 2024 pay offer from Network Rail of just 3.5 per cent today (Thursday April 18, 2024) at a time when MPs have handed themselves an uplift of 5.5 per cent.
Tuesday, 16th April
RAIL UNION RMT called an urgent summit today (April 16, 2024) to save train manufacturing jobs at Derby and blamed rail industry privatisation as being the root cause of the threat to UK train manufacturing.
Friday, 12th April
Rail union, RMT has condemned train operator Merseyrail for jacking up their prices by 35% during the Aintree Grand National festival.