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Your RMT branch will be taking a delegation of members and activists to the upcoming TUC
demonstration on Saturday 20th October 2012. If you would like to join us on the march, send me an e-mail
and I’ll send you all the details you'll need.
*Austerity isn’t working
*Spending cuts threaten a lost
*Invest for jobs and growth
*Defend quality public services
A march through central London will culminate in a rally in Hyde Park.
Branch Secretary Terry O'Neil
The challenges of the future
We all know the future will bring challenges. Only the RMT can face those challenges without fear. We do not play the divide and rule game. We are an all grades Union. We recruit all grades and we defend all grades. We are the fighting union.
Long Service Awards
We have had notice from HQ of 23 members who are up for their long service badges. We have 20 members who are to received their 10 year awards and 3 members who are to receive 25 year awards. We will be doing the medal presentation at our next Branch meeting on Thursday, October 11th, 2012.
A New Name to reflect the obvious
Stratford No1 Branch(your branch) has asked the General Secretary for permission to change the
Branch's name from Stratford No 1 to Central Line East Branch. We believe it simplifies the name and
reflects our geographic location better.
Your local RMT branch meets second Thursday of every month at 17:00hrs at the Ex-Services Club, Harvey Road, LEYTONSTONE, E11.
Local democracy in action on your group
Julia Latona will be heading off to the Victoria Line to take up her new role. Julia's departure will open up a position for an Industrial Rep on the Central Line East Group of stations.
This is a very large group running from Snaresbrook to Epping and reaching around the loop to Hainault.
We already have two candidates who have come forward to contest the soon to be vacant position created by Julia's departure. The two people on the ballot are Kay Shatford and James Holmes.
This is an open election and a local ballot will be held giving all RMT members the right to pick who they
want as their new Rep. Nominations be open until the next branch meeting, as all members on the group
should have the right to put themselves forward. Only the RMT has such a democratic system.
Our thanks to Julia Latona for her sterling efforts for the members of the Central Line East Group, She will be dearly missed.
New industrial rep on the Leyton group
Lee Kanazaria is now the new Industrial Rep on the Leyton Group. Lee is a long standing RMT activist and has held the Union Learning Rep position for the past two years. We have every confidence in Lee and we know he will be a great Rep for our Leyton Group members.
Lee's contact details are posted locally. If you need him, just e-mail me and I can put him in contact with
Loughton walkways
All members are reminded that all incidents of abuse in the vicinity of the walkways between Loughton and Power House should be reported to your local managers or Supervisors, ensure an EIRF is completed and if there is any racism, ensure a report to the BTP is made and a crime reference number is received.
With a modern browser you should be able to view the newsletter below, otherwise you can download it using the attachment link.
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