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Here are the draft minutes for Stratford No 1's AGM meeting.
Branch Secretary: Terry O’Neill.
Branch Chairperson: Adrian Finney ,
AGM Branch Minutes: Thursday January 12th 2012
Attendees: A Finney, T O’Neill, Allan Thomson,Julia Latona, R Thorne, G Brown, M Mujahid, R
Millhouse,P Penny, J Booth, P Hamilton, P Sikorski, S Hedley
Apologies:Brain Witham, C Bluett, D FitzPatrick, John Latona, B Witham, M Cronin, D FitzPatrick, D French,
Lee Kanazaria
* Highlighted denotes attendees are not branch members.
17.10 hrs Meeting opens.
Previous Minutes Adopted:Pro TO'N Sec JL
1. Matters Arising:
Branch Balance and future monetary commitments .
2. (A) Leavers and Joiners: March 2011
New Recruitment Feb 9th from 11.00.
New Members : Isabel Blay & B Oakley
Members list to be organized regionally
Bank and Leyton Groups to be recruited Feb 9th 2012.
17.25hrs Standing items suspended to hold Hustings for Election of Assistant GS.
Pat Sikorski addressed the branch and a debate ensued with a Q&A session after-wards.
TO'N AF AT asked questions
Steve Hedley addressed the branch and a debate ensued with a Q&A session after-wards.
AF, GB , MM asked questions.
The candidates were asked to leave the meeting room , while the members debated on nominations.
The branch elected to nominate Steve Hedley by absolute majority.
2(b) Organization, Recruitment & Retention.
Discussion held into the merits of local recruiting, when considering recent losses during the Strikes of 2011.
AT raised issue with recruiting SCABS, a discussion was held with regards to the Branch policy and approach
to these individuals and on whether the RMT should be recruiting. Healthy debate followed.
AT, JB, PS, AF,TO'N,DM,JL GB, MM all contributed.The following was agreed.
1. Agitators against the RMT will not be recruited.
2. Members may recruited from those who left with membership conditions as set down in the rule book.
3. Local reps still have the right to refuse representation to individuals on the grounds of been a
conscientious objector. RMT H.Q will retain legal responsibility for representation for those individuals.
4. Local reps to be issued with lists of local members, minus case sensitive information.
3 Committee Reports:
SH reported : Welcomed Janine back to work
Spheres of Influence
Level 2 Reps to team up with Level 1 reps
DLR Olympics £100 per week (£900) rejected
LOL Olympics shift premium of 25% (Cleaners £1000.00 & Maintenance £2.5K)
JB reported : Olympic rosters for stations out for consultation(Reps to reject)
Janine’s Return to work
Olympic DLR deal, flat rate a good idea.
Stations rosters has OT already written in
Mike Browns statement at recent seminar
Station reps reporting breeches in framework of Agreement( cover up on the 650 lost jobs)
Know your rights booklets to be circulated
David Cameron statement to kill off safety
Recruit Catering staff ( £1 pm) introductory offer for 12 months.
101 dispute .
MM, AT , AF, GB , PP all contributed.
E-mail all members the leaked document.
E-mail Train grades for new poster comparing Olympic deals
E-mail TSC to attend again
E-mail Peter North ask for his attendance
Advertise S Hedley as branch nominee Brian Denny
E-mail all members on Hedley, each month
3.a Other Reports :
• McNulty
• Calendars 2012
• Rule Book Issues
• Affiliations
• Elected Officers, Crossey, etc
• Appeal Mr Bryan
• Disability conference
• National Women's conference (D French & Esme Bradbury)
• Appeal Mr Shaw
• RMT parliamentary report
• Anti EDL march Barking 1200 Saturday Jan 14th
Regional Officer Elections
1. Vaughan Thomas : President
2. Peter North : Website
3. Muhammed Mujahid : LGBT
5. Members Cases
1. Paul Hamiliton by AT & PH , full support from the branch
2. Boxing Day by RT
Retirements Pending: Steve Hover, Loughton (February) Crystal Globe and Glassed in store. Gig in
March .Date pending.
Steve Wright, Tony White, Bob Griffiths, Hainault (Pending) Danny Adongo , Paul Yeend ,(April possibly)
Heathcote Arms is venue supported by LUL , payments made by LUL directly to the venue.
6.Workplace Issues:
• OSN 99 & OSN 101
Motions Previously Given :
Christopher Alder, passed.
Ken Livingstone, passed, with amendment passed.
Committee, passed.
Lambeth SOS, passed.
We support the work of Sindyanna, the women workers’ cooperative associated with the Workers’ Advice
Center (Maan) in Galilee. We ask the union to promote its activities and products, and to investigate the
possibilities of including Sindyanna products carrying the RMT logo in the union’s range of merchandise.
AGM 2012-2013 to be discussed.
Haiti, £25 donation.
Branch committee: Glen Brown,Allan Thomson, Janine Booth, Muhammed Mujahid,
Paul Penny,Julia Latona
Regional Delegates: Glen Brown, A Finney, T O'Neill, A Thomson,
Muhammed Mujahid, Paul Penny.
Meeting closed 20.15 hours, Branch account as of Jan 2012: £2200.00
- 1230 reads