Stratford No 1 Branch Minutes June 2012

Branch Secretary: Terry O’Neill. Branch Chairperson: Adrian Finney ,

Branch Minutes: Thursday June 14th 2012
Attendees: A Finney, T O’Neill, Allan Thomson, Julia Latona, M Mujahid,P Penny,L Kanzaria, A Saint,D
millhouse, Gary Carney, Amanda Carney,Gary Weston, Julia Latona, Jarred Wood, Dave Pittman, Ricky
Thorne, , Will Reid, Ash Malik, M Mujahid, Nigel Eivers,Steve Hedley, Mark Harding.
Apologies:Jnaine Booth, Johan Latona.

* Highlighted denotes attendees are not branch members.
17.05 hrs Meeting opens.

Previous Minutes Adopted: Pro AT Sec: AC.

1. Matters Arising:
Branch Balance: £700.00 with more yet to go out. Quaterly payment imminent
Dayna Nembard Update, not to be publicised
I motion not on previous minutes for June, but was actioned and completed.
2. (A) Leavers and Joiners: March 2012
9 new members
20 Transferref out as per agreements
4 new transferees in, as per regional agreements
2(b) Organization, Recruitment & Retention.
Now a standing order, recruitment every month before branch
Next Recruitment day , July 12
Bank Group. Same time of 11.00 hrs meeting at Leytonstone TCD canteen .
3 Committee Reports: Regional AF reported:
Regional Meeting May,
• Motions to the Region:
• Global Garments: Passed
• National Shop stewards network: Passed
• PassedGay Cure Adverts:Passed
• Childcare provision:Passed
AF.MM.PP.TON 3.a Other Reports : Dayna Nembard Campaign reported by Dayna and Glen Hart.
Nigel Eivers Reported:
1. Flooding Incident
2. OSN 101, still active
3. Camera Allignment central Line
4. Camera and PTI checks Central Line
5. PTI faults not being reported and closed out (DM to contact NE)
6. Roll Back
7. Detrainining issues
Will Reid Reported :
• APC committee and amanagment guildlines G1240
• Management aware of major ET wins IN 2012, therefor they are changing the way they deal with
• PMA's involved in CDI's
• All LDI, CDI's and case conferances meetings where PMA's are present Reps to clarify and minute
their attendance
• Olympics: Aslef in sixes and sevens
• Olympics: RMT unable to get a deal fro backroom staff( TSSA) put them in bad position
GC: Crow should have sent the letter to Duffy quicker
AM: People Joining RMT because of aslef's sell out
Jarred Wood Reported:
Rainbow Procedure: No written policy, no procedure, guidance on the Intranet not helpful.
Managers applying rainbow differently at different locations
Jarred and McKenna touring the region doing road shows
96% can equate to 8 days a year, but a member could be done for just 4 days.
The rainbow procedure can include one unders and assaults
Womens Issues
• 5 X yellow perrils
• RMT News
• Conduct at LRTC meetings
• Saltburn Hse and booking info
• Jarred Wood address
• We are Waltham Forrest
• Final Agenda AGM• Demotion Benefite Bro Clark
• Leavers and Joiners reports
• Regional Council Minutes
• H&S hand book
• H&S Reps charter
• Action for rail postcards
• LWOF draw winners
• Stephen Lawerence Charitible trust
• BTUC Elections
5. Members Cases
Adekoya: AM, AK lost case, Looking at an appeal
Yeend & Adongo,ongoing July 24th
JJ El Msury;Retured to duty
Ray Johnstone, retiring
Mike Beaument, retiring
Tunde Umanah , e mail Hedey
Imran Master ongoing, report next month.
6.Workplace Issues:
7.Motions Previously Given :
We are Waltham Forrest model motion
1. This branch notes with deep concern the racist EDL's plans to stage a provocative demostration in
Walthamstow on 18
August with the aim of stirring up racial tensions in our community.EDL marches are always
accompained by intimidation and violence against ethnict minotities and anti-racists.
2. This Branch believes that all those who oppose racism and facism need to stand united against the
EDL.We therefore warmly welcome the launch of 'we are Waltham Forrest', a braodly based campaign against the
3.This Branch resolves to :
• Affilate to 'We are Waltham Forrest'
• Send Delegates to Organising meetings
• Support and publicise protests and public meetings amongst our members.
• Make a donation to WAWF
Flooding at Mile End
Trespass at Newbury Park
Ramps for the Special Olympics
BTUC elections
Meeting closed 20.15 hours.