Starting tonight! Telephone Canvas for John McDonnell


From tonight the RMT will begin telephoning canvas sessions from Unity House for John McDonnell, RMT Parliamentary Group Convenor.

Depending on information provided in respect of phone numbers provided for other constituencies we will also be seeking to offer the telephone canvassing facility for other members of the parliamentary group and Council of Executives- endorsed TUSC candidates.

The canvas will seek to operate every night after work Mondays – Thursdays, between 5.30pm and 8.00pm up to and inclusive of Thursday 29 April. You would be welcome to come along at any time during that period, even if you cannot do the whole session. But please notify us in advance.

John McDonnell is a proven, dedicated and hard working supporter of the union who needs all possible support to get re-elected.

Over the last Parliament he has been a tireless campaigner on issues which make a real difference to RMT members and this is our chance to help him be re-elected.

Don’t worry if you haven’t helped on a telephone canvas before, there will be plenty of help and support available and you’ll be amongst friends and colleagues of the RMT.

If you wish to participate in the telephone canvas, please contact James Croy in advance or 020 7529 8822, indicating which evenings you can commit to.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Crow
General Secretary