RMT statement of support for Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell

Responding to Owen Smith’s comments that he had never heard John McDonnell lead on workers rights, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“When John was Chair of the RMT Parliamentary Group he was at the forefront of championing the rights of RMT members.
And John has been a stalwart for the wider Trade Union and Labour Movement as well. In 2008 he led  the parliamentary campaign to amend the Employment Bill to introduce fairer arrangements for industrial action.
In 2010 John came top of the Private Members Bill ballot and used this to seek to get the Lawful Industrial Action Bill through parliament which would have massively benefited workers.    Owen was an MP at that time and so he will know this.
And John does not just talk the talk, he walks the walk, which is why you will see John on the  picket lines. John has over many years consistently provided leadership on workers rights and always will.     

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 27th March
Rail union RMT members working for CrossCountry to take strike action against de-recognition of supervisory and clerical grades.