RMT Motions Passed For LGBT Issues

This is a brief guide of the motions related to LGBT issues or members that have been debated and passed within the RMT since 2001.

It details eight motions specifically targeted at LGBT equality, and the RMTs official recognition of these issues and commitment to counter these inequalities and support both members are are brothers and sisters in our wider communities and across the world.


  • Threat of the BNP
    -motion to officially recognise and commitment to counter this threat
  • Demonstration For Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Equality - London, 17th November 2001
  • - motion to support and join this demonstration


  • Pension Rights
    - Pension rights for same sex partners in parity with mixed sex partners.


  • Anti-Gay Discrimination and Bullying
    - Official union recognition of this and commitment to counter it wherever it should occur


  • LGB Union Representitives
  • - Introduction of LGB, now LGBT representitives

  • RMT’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Bullying & Harassment Policy
  • Stonewall and Diversity Champions


  • Universal Decriminalisation Of Homosexuality
  • - motion for commitment to officially support this policy

  • Formal Acceptance Of The Importance Of Our Transgendered Members
    - When the RMT LGB, became LGBT


  • Stop Deportation of LGBT Foreign Nationals
  • Submitted by TfL No. 1 Branch

    “Each year the UK deports Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transgender people back to countries that are known to have regimes that commit human rights atrocities towards their LGBT citizens. Some such as Iran have publicly executed their LGBT citizens, often after horrendous state approved torture, rape and beatings. Recently two Iranian teenage boys aged 16 and 17 were tortured and then hanged as an example to others; followed by an 18 and 20 year old. Many other Gay, Lesbian and bi people are forced by the Iranian state to choose between Gender re-assignment (often referred to as a sex change) or execution.

    As long as the UK deports LGBT people back to countries like Iran we all have a hand in the fate of people like those two boys mentioned above.

    The deportation of yet another Iranian teen was deferred by Jacqui Smith earlier last year, following a public outcry and the issue having being raised in the European Parliament by Jean Lambert MEP (Green Party)

    The 2009 LGBT Conference requests the Council of Executives to:

    a) Press the TUC to campaign against the PM Gordon Brown & the UK Government to stop deporting LGBT foreign nationals to countries that perpetrate human rights abuses towards LGBT people.

    b) Ensure that our RMT parliamentary group raises these issues and helps prevent deportation of LGBT foreign nationals.”