Regional Council Calls for Measures to Increase Participation in RMT LGBT Conferences

RMT's London Transport Regional Council has submitted the following two items for inclusion on the agenda of either the union's Council of Executives or its National Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Advisory Committee, whichever the General Secretary considers appropriate:

1. Maximum number of delegates to LGBT Conference

We would like the Council of Executives to reconsider its decision to limit the number of delegates that a branch can sent to LGBT conference to a maximum of 2, and to increase the maximum number. We believe that RMT should be seeking to increase rather than excessively limit participation in such events.

2. Delegates allowances for attending conferences

We note that at present, branches - but not Regional Councils - can claim an allowance towards the cost of delegates attending conferences such as the LGBT conference. We would like the Council of Executives to consider extending this facility to Regional Councils.