New Year's Eve: London Underground Pay Rates Q&A

Below is a question-and-answer briefing produced by LUL management to explain pay rates for working on New Year's Eve.

LUL produced this Q&A a year ago, and the only thing that has changed since then is that there are no longer payments for Operational Duty Managers.


These Q& A’s must be used in conjunction with the current Pay Arrangements for New Years Eve Payments.

1. (Q) I work on Stations and want to know if I work my rest day what will I be paid? (A) Normal rest day working arrangements will apply, so you will be paid overtime rate for the hours that you work

2. (Q) If I work my rest day to cover one of the additional night turns, what will I be paid? (A) You will be paid: overtime for the shift worked at normal overtime rate, + normal hours paid again for the hours you have worked, + a cash payment of one days pay.

3. (Q) I’m working a day shift and my manager says he wants to change my start time by possibly two hours, what extra pay will I get? (A) You will get an additional 25% extra pay for the daily rate.

4. (Q) OK, so if they have changed my start time by two hours during the day and they then ask me to work overtime, will I get an extra 25% on top for the overtime hours worked? (A) No, only the initial shift you were asked to work. Not the overtime. As overtime will be paid at overtime rate only.

5. (Q) What would have happened if my manager changes my hours by more than two hours? (A) You would get 50% of the daily rate as above.

6 (Q) I volunteered to do the night duty in advance, then unfortunately I went sick, am I entitled to any payments? (A) No. Only if you worked the duty.

7. (Q) If I am a non operational volunteer, and I work a night shift in place of my normal day shift on New Years Eve, what will I be paid? (A) You get a flat rate payment of one day’s salary at your normal grade + lump sum payment

8. (Q) If I am a non operational volunteer, and I work a night shift as overtime on New Years Eve, what will I be paid? (A) You will get the overtime payment for the hours worked + the lump sum payment.