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Nominations are open for the national young member’s Advisory committee, London transport region are entitled to 5 young members’ representatives on this hugely influential body. The committee meets 3 times a year and all we ask is that you enthusiastically represent the views and opinions of young members in your region as well as care about young members’ issues. Previous agenda items include: setting up a young members website; YouTube channel; organising trips to Scotland; creating a young members newsletter, promoting education courses and social events.
Our Ref: Ed/026/13
HO Circular No: NP/051/13
25th February 2013.
Dear Colleagues.
The Council of Executives provides for Regional Council Representation on the RMT Young Members Advisory Committee on the basis of five members per Region. I am therefore seeking nominations from Branches to take up these positions, as the current Committee members’ tenure of 3 years is complete.
I am attaching a nomination form that needs to be completed and signed by the nominating Branch Secretary. The closing date for nominations is the 30th April 2013.
All those members that are nominated and no ballot is required will be elected for a term of 3 years, except where they pass the age of 30 during their term. In the event of more than five members being nominated from one Region a ballot will be conducted.
A further circular will be issued at the close of the nomination stage setting out the position then.
I sincerely hope that every effort will be made across the Union to maximise the number of those seeking nomination for this key Committee in our Union.
Yours Sincerely
Bob Crow
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