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Displacement Process and Review
We held further talks about the displacement process and proposed review at Company Council Sub-group today. Once again we were not satisfied with LU’s response to the issues we’ve raised and the company has agreed not to proceed with the review until they have considered their position further. They will respond on Tuesday afternoon, next week.
We will issue a Stations Functional Newsletter once the company’s position is clear. For the moment I can make a few points that I know members are asking about:
1. All station staff will be able to apply for a review of the location allocated in the recent exercise.
2. When you ask for a review you will name as many or as few areas as you chose where you would prefer to be moved to. You will not to be moved to any area that you have not specifically asked to go to. This is something we fought for and was not LU’s original proposal.
3. The review will prioritise LU’s desire to move staff who are covering down into substantive positions. It is unlikely that you will be moved from a substantive position into a cover down role. This will severely limit the potential for the review to help you get to the area you prefer.
4. If you chose not to seek a review your position is guaranteed. No-one else is going to be moved in to a position accepted by someone else.
Mistakes in Displacement Process
1. LU have told us that the first stage of the location process was to identify how staff could remain on their current areas. However, it is clear that in many areas staff of a particular current grade have been displaced and other staff, of the same current grade, brought in to replace them.
2. There appear to be many errors made in applying seniority and travelling time. We have told LU we want these mistakes addressed before the members involved have to make a decision about where to ask for in any review. This is one of the issues LU is considering further.
3. LU have said that anyone who is shown to have been displaced when the correct operation of the model would have left them in their current position will be allowed to return.
4. No-one will be forced to move to help rectify mistakes. If necessary staff will be held above the establishment numbers on an area in order to rectify mistakes.
5. We are still discussing how to rectify mistakes where members have been displaced by more than 30 mins.
Secret Process
At present it is impossible to give anyone a clear answer as to whether the displacement process has been misapplied in respect of an individual member. This is because LU will not tell us what the process is. We have demanded a clear written account of what the computer programme used in this exercise takes into account and in what order different factors are considered. We first requested this several weeks ago and have today repeated our demand to be given this information.
RMT advice is continue to sit tight
The review process is not yet open and LU have told us it will not open until we’ve talked again next week. For the moment members who wish to review their location should sit tight and await further advice from RMT.
Stations Functional Council.
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