Stations and Revenue Functional

Reports from the London Transport Region's Stations and Revenue Functional Representatives

SFC News with advice for FftF Go Live on Sun 3 April

Please download and distribute the newsletter which stations members may find useful as FftF goes loive on Sun 3 April.

SFC reps and Tier 2 saftey reps will be travelling around the network on Sunday 3rd, Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th to support members who may be expeiriencing problems as a result of FftF. Contact details are all shown in the newsletter.

Fit For The Future: A Warning from the front line !

Your workmates on the " Vanguard groups" of Leytonstone and Central line east want you to know what is happening since Fit for the future (stations) was imposed on 7th Feb. This is what awaits you all unless we stand up to London Underground and demand better.

Please use the link to download the Attached document. read, download, print, email and circulate this as everyone needs to know whats in store