London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Coronavirus: Urgent tube safety advice regarding services from 11th May

10th May 2020

To: All RMT Rail and London Underground members.

Dear Colleague


Over the weekend I have been contacted by Network Rail who say they are planning for a possible surge in passenger usage on the national railway system on Monday 11th May as a side-effect of the Prime Minister's statement scheduled for 19:00 hours, 10th May in respect of COVID -19. These measures may obviously also impact on other rail services and London Underground.

RMT continues to demand assurances on social distancing

Dear RMT members (London Transport Region)

 As you will see below in our press release, the RMT has concerns re next Monday 11th May being the start of government led mobilisation across Britain’s railways.

Accordingly I immediately wrote to LUL, the Managing Director, specifically in relation to all TfL. The MD confirmed explicitly that this is not the case for TfL and their services, that their planning date (which is not fixed 100%) is still the 18th of May.

Tube union RMT on leaked report showing impact of maintaining social distancing on London Underground

Commenting on a leaked report showing the impact of maintaining social distancing on London Underground, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"The report leaked this morning to the BBC exposing the impact on passenger numbers of maintaining Government social distancing guidelines on the tube is a wake up call to all those tub-thumping for a jacking up of transport services from May 18th without properly assessing the consequences. 

Jubilee South Branch News May 2020

Jubilee South Branch News is the newsletter for Tube workers on trains and stations as well as cleaners and canteen workers from Westminster to Stratford.

In this edition:

- ‘Covid-19’ timetable rejected once again
- AM refuses to follow social dis-tancing shift work agreement
- Furloughed cleaners face 20% pay cut
- Stations coronavirus FAQ
- If it isn’t safe, don’t do it
- Ramping up of London Underground services

Bakerloo News May 2020: No to imposed service increased

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line.

Please download it to read the latest news from the Bakerloo branch. You also print and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • No to imposed service increases
  • Reinstate Ezra Christian
  • SRT Update
  • Furloughed cleaners face a 20% pay cut
  • Solidarity and condolences
  • Branch meeting details

Social distancing at home?

Trains Functional Council notice: management of staff who are social distancing at home

Update 28 04 2020

The above matter has been raised by reps at a number of locations and was raised by the RMT at today’s TFC meeting. What is clear is that senior managers are keen to get drivers back to work, and are using local managers to achieve this.

Is social distancing guidance about to change?

Today, in a presentation to the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) TfL Director of Public Transport Service Planning,

Geof Hobbs stated that with full social distancing measures of 2 metres, LUL would only be able to run at 13% of normal capacity. He hinted strongly that a reduction would ease the problem. Chief Operating Ofcer of MTA New York, Mario Peloquin also made similar
comments. With both New York and London hinting that a reduction in distance is required, we believe P.H.E is likely to change its guidance.

Jubilee News: 'Covid-19' schedules rejected again

Jubilee News is the newsletter produced by RMT activists for drivers on the Jubilee line. This edition has been produced on the eve of the second ACAS meeting to discuss London Underground's proposed 'Covid-19' timetables and schedules.

Please download it to read the latest news. You can also print and share it in your Jubilee Line depot too.

RMT Upfront April 2020, 'Covid-19 timetable' dispute special

  • RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers, produced by the RMT. We are the specialist transport workers union with over 1700 tube driver members.  Please download the attched newsletter to get all the latest news.  You can also print it out and distribute it in your depot.

Bosses Plan To Impose 4 Minute Train Service

Tube bosses have announced plans to impose their bluntly named ‘Covid-19’ timetables with a four minute train frequency across the combine, from the 26th of April.