London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

As Coronavirus crisis rages on, Tory prime minister calls for driverless tube trains

RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch said;

"It is outrageous for Boris Johnson to wheel out the dangerous nonsense of driverless trains as a condition of the emergency Covid-19 funding of Transport for London. This is the sort of cheap political stunt that was a hallmark of his time as Mayor and we would have hoped he would have grown up by now.

'Zero hours' employment in Tube control rooms unacceptable


I previously advised you that a dispute situation arose when London Underground sought to bring back retired staff in to perform Service Control duties, but on agency terms and conditions and on zero hours contracts (Ref: IR/159/20, 1st May 2020).

4LM Upgrades News, July 2020

4LM Upgrades News has the latest information about the upgrades plans for the Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City, District and Circle Lines.

Please download the newsletter to read it. You can also share it online or print it out and display it in your 4LM depot.


Upgrades News: RMT secures agreement on driving cabs for new trains

Following lengthy and ongoing discussions between RMT and LU, we have finally received confirmation that the new Piccadilly Line trains will be built with a driver’s cab, and that these cabs will remain for the entire lifespan of the trains. 

- Get all the latest information on the Piccadilly Line upgrades by downloading the attached Upgrades news.

LU caves in to government demand to run full service

Don’t put yourself in danger to meet government targets
Tube staf could soon exposed to thousands of people every day. The failure to protect London Bus drivers from close contact with the public contributed to a terrible Covid 19 death-toll amongst these workers - 16 times higher than the rate of Covid deaths of NHS staf. TfL may be refusing to learn from their failure to close the front doors but RMT will not stand by and allow members on LUL/TFL to be exposed to unacceptable risk.