London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT to ballot service control members at Hammersmith Control Centre


The Lead Officer recently submitted a report as, despite the best efforts of our RMT Reps to reach a negotiated settlement, management have proceeded to impose a new roster, which is due to be implemented in March 2021, affecting members on the Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith & City Lines at Hammersmith Service Control Centre.

TfL Financial Sustainability Plan massive missed opportunity and capitulation to Tory austerity

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“This Financial Sustainability Plan is a massive missed opportunity and a capitulation to Tory austerity. TfL could have used this moment to aggressively make the case for setting its funding on a completely new basis, recognising the failure of fare box model and making the case for public funding that recognises the public interest in London’s mass transit system.

RMT demands TfL bosses do more to protect workers

RMT demands urgent action to protect TfL workers as new Covid variant runs rampant

TRANSPORT UNION RMT is demanding immediate action by Transport for London amid the surge in London’s cases of Covid infection and the rise of new variant Covid and the deaths of at least three TfL workers in recent days.

The union has written to both the Mayor of London and London Underground calling for an urgent upscaling of safety measures to protect staff. In the letter the union demands:

Regional Organiser calls for improved Covid protections for operational and engineering workers on LU


To Nick Dent, LU director

Dear Nick

As we all know yesterday the Mayor announced a Major Incident in London re the Surge in hospital use in the current 3rd national lockdown RMT feels that this has an immediate impact on the staff and their families. It is clear that the death rate is tragically very high and this is all set to continue

The message is clear "Stay at home" "Work from home" and yet LUL continues to act in another way for thousands our our members in operational and engineering grades

RMT will not accept that safe working arrangements cannot be implemented because of any financial agreements between TfL and the government


A report on working conditions on LUL has been considered by the National Executive Committee (NEC). The Lead Officer reports that new variant Covid is showing a massive increased rate of contagion which is having an immediate and direct impact on our members in LUL/TFL. We have been made aware that three members of LUL staff have recently died as consequence of Covid. There are many more staff isolating and reporting sick. We believe there will more deaths and some will be RMT members.

RMT has advised TfL/LUL at the highest level that any attempt to attack members' jobs or conditions will be met with industrial action


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/523/20, 23rd December 2020), the following resolution was received from our Jubilee South Branch:-