London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Driverless trains: a warning from Helsinki

The underground railway (Metro) in Finland's capital city Helsinki is due to go 'driverless' in 2016. I discussed this with Finnish trade unionists Jussi and Satu, and heard a story that has important lessons for London Underground workers and passengers trying to prevent the same calamity happening in London.

The proposal to introduce driverless operation on the Helsinki Metro was first raised in 2007. The trade unions opposed it (note that as city council employees, the Metro workers are members of the public sector trade union rather than a transport union).

RMT Proposal For Boxing Day Working Improvements Rejected

We note that ASLEF has resolved its dispute with London Underground Ltd, reaching a settlement that drivers who work on Boxing Day will receive a £350 payment and that this is financed through amendments to the Train Operators Resourcing Agreement (TOPRA). These amendments cause some detriment to drivers, particularly newer drivers, who may find themselves unable to move to the depot of their choice for a longer period of time. RMT is not party to this agreement, and does not accept that working conditions should be sold in this way.

Mobile Station Supervision A 'Red Line Issue' For RMT

We note that London Underground Ltd has advertised (internally) posts for mobile Station Supervisors covering several stations. We further note that we referred this issue to ACAS several months ago, and that LUL has finally agreed to hold discussions at ACAS, and to not fill these positions until these talks are concluded.

This is a 'red line' issue for this union; we oppose mobile station supervision and insist that every London Underground station must have a

RMT Builds Support For Brother Woods

We note the report from the Regional Organiser, and that he has allocated a second-stage representative to this case in support of Brother Woods' local representative. An updated report is to be placed in front of us within 14 days. If this matter is not resolved to our satisfaction at this point, we consider enacting the branch's request for a ballot for industrial action.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Disappointed At Tube Bosses Failure To Address Industrial Relation Issues

We note the revised terms of reference received from London Underground Ltd.

We believe that these are currently insufficient. We are concerned that they suggest that the employer may wish to ‘water down’ the Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation. We are disappointed at London Underground Ltd’s failure to address basic industrial relations issues.

Defend Gary Woolf

Please download and print the poster below, for display in noticeboards


It looks like LUL are going back on their promise after the RMT successfully defended RMT H&S rep Eamonn Lynch and former RMT rep Arwyn Thomas. Now they are trying to sack Gary Woolf - I.R. rep on the Tower Hill group

Motion To TUC Calls For London Mayor To Improve Tube Safety Not Attack Union Rights

This is the RMT emergency motion which will be put to TUC congress

Congress notes the “Struck Out” report issued by the Greater London Authority Conservatives on 22nd August 2013 proposing to ban strikes on London Transport and instead use “binding pendulum arbitration" - in which a judge or panel would choose between the positions of the trade union and Transport for London.

Central Line Tube Dispute Update

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd responding to the seriousissues raised by our representatives in this dispute. We instruct the lead officer to obtain the views on our Central line drivers’ representatives on this response, and instruct the General Secretary to place a report of these views in front of us.

RMT Seek Legal Advice On LUL's New Attendance Warning Guidance

We note the document from London Underground Ltd, clarifying that managers can and should exercise discretion in the management of attendance. We welcome this clarification, which follows concerted pressure from this union to demand that managers should stop routinely giving the maximum penalty to members.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to circulate this document in full to all our London Underground branches and representatives, with a covering letter explaining its background and how to use it to the benefit of members.