London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

London Underground To Provide Thermal Uniform

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and welcome the company's agreement to provide thermal under trousers. We believe that this is a significant victory for this union, which London Underground staff will welcome.

This has been achieved through the persistent efforts of our representatives - especially our Uniform Consultative Committee representatives and our Victoria Line North stations health and safety representative - and through demonstrating the strength of feeling of our members on this important issue of workplace comfort and safety.

Petitions Call For Ticket Office Closures To Be Scrapped

The following petitions from various groups are all calling for London Underground ticket offices to be protected.

Please consider adding your signature:

  • Boris: keep your promise - sign the 38 Degrees petition to keep ticket offices open in the London underground.
  • This Labour Party campaign calls for lower fares and the protection of ticker offices -

Justice For The 33 Sack The Agency Not The Workers.

Please help by downloading the poster below and displaying it in your workplace.

Please come and support rmt members who worked for over 5 years on lul but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs.

WHEN - Every Monday Morning 08.30

WHERE - From London Bridge Station, Tooley Street Entrance to City Hall

London Underground Management were happy to have these hardworking staff working on the Under-ground for many years


As Boxing Day Tube Use Increases, RMT Calls For Equal Bonus For All Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 13 September and 1 October 2013, and the discussion of this item at the Company Council meeting on 26 September 2013. This correspondence confirms that the LUL/ASLEF agreement traded changes to the Train Operators Resourcing Agreement (TOPRA) for the £350 bonus for working on Boxing Day.

Transfer Of Operational Resourcing From TfL To Tube

We note the correspondence from the company on this matter. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our lead officer as to the potential impact on our members: both any who may work in this department, and those across TfL and LUL who are affected by the work of this department.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Exposes London Fares Rip Off

As Boris Johnson prepares for Tory conference speech RMT exposes full extent of London fares rip off
As Boris Johnson prepares for Tory Conference speech RMT reveals Tube fares have risen six times faster than wages on his watch

As the London Mayor prepares for his annual Tory conference show-boating speech, tube union RMT said today that he stands accused of hammering the travelling public on both fare increases and attacks on quality of services through cuts to staffing and capacity.

Service Control Grades Meeting Report

At the recent Service Control Grades Meeting a number of topics were discussed, with the following updates:-

DRM & LIS Instructor Grades
After successful lobbying by our Functional Reps, Management have now conceded that these roles require instructor grades. As a result, all locations with these grades will be entitled to an instructor for every 7 staff (or 10-15% of staff compliment).

SCL2 Recruitment
A new campaign for SCL2 recruitment is now due to take place in November - and will be close listed to Service Control Staff