London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Oyster Card deposit change and workplace violence

- Please download the attached poster and display it in your station.

In a recent incident at Dagenham Heathway, a customer smashed the SCP window with a bike lock. This is one of many reports we have received of physical and verbal
assaults on staff directly relating to the oyster card
deposit being withdrawn.

What this means in simple terms is, people who have purchased an oyster card on or after the 23rd February can no longer get their fiver back as it is now a non-
refundable charge.

Coronovirus: Is privatisation of Tube cleaning compromising passenger safety?

RMT says London Mayor’s coronavirus transport cleaning announcement is completely inadequate

TUBE UNION RMT says that the London Mayor’s coronavirus transport cleaning announcement today is completely inadequate and calls into question the decision to privatise tube cleaning.

Responding to Mayor Sadiq Khan’s statement, RMT General Mick Cash said:

“The New York subway, where cleaning is done by directly employed staff in the public sector, will be deep-cleaned every three days, according to a recent announcement.

Tube pay dispute ballot begins today

strike flag

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed that a ballot of 10,000 staff across London Underground for both strike action and action short of a strike will open today after more than a year of negotiations have failed to produce an offer on pay that meets the very reasonable demands of the workforce. The ballot will conclude on the 31st March.

Jubilee South News March 2020

Jubilee South News is the monthly newsletter for workers on the jubilee line,  produced by Jubilee South branch activists.

In this edition:

  • Pay dispute ballot begins 
  • Join the fight for better pay and conditions. Vote YES!
  • Pay ballot begins on 6th of March 
  • RMT calls on London mayor to bring Tube cleaners in-house
  • Track Noise Ballot
  • 21 days of anti-racism
  • Justice for Station Staff Campaign

 Please download it and distribute in your workplace.

New leaflet: Vote Yes for strike action on pay & conditions

The NEC has taken the decision to ballot all LUL members over pay & conditions.

We will not accept an either/or offer that asks us to chose between protecting our pay or addressing fatigue and working hours.

Please circulate this new leaflet. There are printed copies available at Unity House from Thursday 5 March. Please ensure every workplace has copies in the mess rooms and on notice boards.