London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

TfL Ambassador Industrial Action Reminder

We note the circular from LUL management seeking volunteers to work as ‘TfL Ambassadors’, previously known as ICSAs. We continue to have serious concerns about how TfL and LUL attempt to deploy these staff, in ways which breach the settlement of our 2008 Casualisation dispute and undermine safe operating practices and the jobs of station staff.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to remind London Underground members of our ongoing industrial action short of strikes on this matter, contained in our decision Gww 19 July 2012 and amended by our decision Gww 15 August 2012.

Poster: Don't Let LUL Get Its Way

The poster can be downloaded below

The Decimation of Our Jobs (if we allow LU to get their way)

Fact - Total cuts package by 2021 will be £4.2 billion.
Fact – CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs & SSs will all be affected.
Fact – We will all need to re-apply for our jobs.
Fact - Station cuts will only save £270 million.
Fact - £270m is just 6% of the total above.
Fact – After station cuts there’s still £3.9 billion to save.
Fact – The remaining 94% will come from your job too.

London Underground Document Gives More Detail On Devastating Cuts Plan

The RMT have recieved a new document which reveals more details of London Undergrounds cuts plan. This newly released document, attached below, is a 'Change Assurance Plan' which gives some further insight into what these cuts, if successful, could mean in health & safety terms .

The document is very low on detail of how the proposed changes to station staffing structure will impact on the driver grade. However, section 2.7 claims that there are no changes proposed to train operations.

TfL Should Demand More Funds & Cut Directors Pay Not Jobs

We believe that rather than cut staff, London Underground and its parent company Transport for London should:

  1. challenge the government's funding cut to TfL, and demand the guaranteed, decent level of public funding that such a crucial transport system requires
  2. maintain or increase the level of station staffing and ticket office opening times; promote its own ticket-selling services rather than those of external outlets
  3. undertake a major programme of making London Underground more accessible to disabled people and to communities that it does not currently serve

RMT Willing To Discuss Any Extension To Tube Services Including All Night Running

  • Union willing to discuss any proposals to extend services.
  • TfL press statement untrue

We note and adopt the report of our Southern Sub-Committee.

Further, we note the press statement by Transport for London dated 26 November, stating that our industrial action ballot is ‘in response to plans unveiled last week to run parts of the Tube for 24 hours at weekends during 2015, and to make staff more visible at stations’.

RMT ASLEF Plan Joint Meeting On Driverless Train Fightback

We welcome the response from ASLEF, expressing its willingness to attend a meeting to discuss a joint campaign against driverless trains. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this meeting takes place as soon as practical, and to place a report in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and London Undergroundrepresentatives to be advised.

RMT Hits Back At “Lies And Dirty Tricks” In Tube Cuts Dispute

Tube union RMT has hit back at what it describes as “lies and dirty tricks” from the management side in the dispute over cuts to jobs and ticket offices that would rip-apart the safety regime, and threaten staffing, across the tube network.

In a message on its website, LU/TFL claims that RMT is;

“… ballot their members on London Underground (LU) in response to plans unveiled last week to run parts of the Tube for 24 hours at weekends during 2015.”

Diane Abbott MP Questions Prime Minister On Tube Job Cuts

Hackney MP Diane Abbott has asked a question in parliament during Prime Ministers Questions enquiring how cutting more than 700 jobs will raise living standards for ordinary Londoners.

London Underground has announced that they plan for 950 jobs to go, with all ticket offices closing and most station staff having to reapply for jobs.

Abbott who is a member of the RMT parliamentary group said:

Every Job Matters - Vote Yes For Industrial Action

In every area, the company is either cutting jobs or preparing to cut jobs. It is deliberately under-staffing our workplaces, attacking our conditions and ‘reinterpreting’ our agreements. It wants to replace skilled workers with unreliable automation.

This is not aimed at improving our Tube but at saving millions of pounds following the government’s 12.5% cut to Transport for London’s funding.

London Underground Ltd plans

  • to close every ticket office
  • to get rid of nearly a thousand stations jobs (net job loss of around 750)