London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Camden 3 branch details

Camden no.3 covers the following areas:

  • Goodge Street group
  • Camden group
  • Edgware group
  • Finchley Central group
  • Coburg Street
  • Golders Green depot
  • East Finchley depot
  • CBSO

Camden no.3 branch meets at the Exmouth Arms on the second Wednesday of each month at 17:00, all members welcome

Replying to LUL Management about Attendance

Here are my thoughts on the responses given by management to issues the union raised about attendance. In summary, I'd say that although management's responses may help us put a stop to some of the worst abuses by local managers, they staunchly defend the company's intention to treat sick staff very harshly (to say the least). We need to step up our battle to prevent our members being treated like this, and to demand rights for sick staff.

Length of warning ‘up to’ 26/52 weeks

London Underground Sickness Issues: Management's and Unions' views

RMT has raised many issues with London Underground management about the way that the company treats staff who are off sick. Several of them are listed here, with the union's view and management's response. This summary is provided by London Underground management.

Issue - Length of warning ‘up to’ 26/52 weeks

Trade Union Line - Insufficient / no discretion being applied

Update: LUL and TfL Pay

LUL Management seems to have got themselves in a twist over the 2009 pay.

RMT have demanded a substantial one year pay rise and other benefits, including a ‘floor’ salary of £26,000. Heating and food bills have gone right up over the last year and Underground passenger numbers are higher than ever.

London Underground Ltd's Family Leave Guidelines

This document covers areas such as maternity and paternity leave, adoption leave, funeral leave, and other forms of leave additional to annual leave that you might need to take to meet your family responsibilities. The text is provided below, and you can click '1 attachment'/file name below to download the document as a PDF.



Harassment: Guidelines for Managers

These are guidelines for managers in what was then called London Transport, published in 2000. If you are involved in a harassment case, you may find it useful to look through this document to check that management are following their own guidelines.


Version 2 (24th October 2000) London Transport Harassment Procedure Guidance for Accredited Managers


Metronet ballot possible: one for the road?

Following some very unsavory legal advice it now appears that jobs will be under threat when Metronet staff return to London Underground on 8th December. It appears that although all the staff are being tranferred to LUL, the contracts will remain with Metronet. This makes it possible for example that Metronet withdraw the contract from LUL and give it, let's say, to Balfour Beatty leaving the current Metronet employees jobless. The advice is provided in full underneath.

----Original Message-----

Dear Bob,