London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Abolition of Night Tube grade dispute upcoming action suspended


Dear Colleagues,



I write to advise you that your NEC has decided to suspend the industrial action in this dispute planned to take place from 12:00 on Tuesday 3rd August 2021 and members are instructed to work normally on the following days:

• 12:00 hours on Tuesday 3rd August 2021 to 11.59 hours on Wednesday 4th August 2021

• 12:00 hours on Thursday 5th August 2021 to 11.59 hours on Friday 6th August 2021

RMT suspends Tube strike

RMT suspends Tube strike action this week to allow for further talks.

RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

"Following extensive and wide ranging discussions through the ACAS machinery we have hammered out enough ground to allow those talks to continue. As a result this week's strike action is suspended although the rest of the planned action rema‎ins on.

RMT Upfront: Strike Suspended

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for LU train drivers, produced by RMT activists.

This edition focusses on the reasons for the Night Tube dispute being suspended and the progress the RMT has made.

Please print it out and distribute it in your depot.

ACAS Talks continue over Tube dispute

TUBE UNION RMT has said that it will be joining last ditch ACAS talks this morning ( Monday, 2nd of August) with a view to securing a constructive solution to the dispute over the abolition of the Night Tube driver grade with strike action across London set to start at lunchtime tomorrow.

General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

RMT back at ACAS to discuss 'abolition of Night Tube grade' dispute

RMT challenges London Underground to stand by lines in press release today as grounds for progress in Night Tube strike talks at ACAS tomorrow.

RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

“The press release issued by London Underground today in advance of ACAS talks tomorrow goes much further than their negotiators have been prepared to move in earlier discussions.

“We will be putting ‎their press statement back to them at ACAS and calling on them to make good on their public promises.

Newsletter: conditions, framework agreements and pensions under attack

  • Please download the attached Newsletter to read. You can also distribute in your London Underground workplace.

LU quietly announced last week that our terms and conditions, framework agreements and pensions are under scrutiny: On 22 July, at an all union meeting LU management made clear they have entirely accepted the Tories’ terms - that tube workers, and not the government must make up for the massive budget deficit caused by the pandemic.

Vital we defend final salary defined benefit TFL Pension Fund

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my email of 15th July 2021, the RMT has today received the Terms of Reference document from Transport for London setting out how they intend to process and conduct the review into the Transport for London Pension Fund. Your National Executive Committee will consider this matter and I will update you accordingly.

Strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade goes ahead next month

Strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade goes ahead next month as company ‎block progress in ACAS talks

TUBE UNION RMT said today that strike action across the network over plans by London Underground to abolish the Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade will go ahead next month after the company refused ‎to make any serious progress in ACAS talks this week.

Following a solid vote for action late last month and subsequent talks that failed to resolve this issue RMT has instructed members as follows;