London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Concerned About Pension Contribution Levels For New Tube Drivers'

We note with concern the correspondence from our Bakerloo branch that recently-recruited drivers did not have their pension contributions adjusted to the correct level until the first pay period of 2013 despite being in their new grade for many months.

We remind London Underground Ltd that the TFL Pension Fund rules are clear, and that a driver member is entitled to accrue his/her pension as a driver from the date of his/her appointment as a driver.

Get Involved In Our Campaign To Defend And Improve Jobs

WHAT YOU CAN DO to be part of our campaign to defend and improve jobs:

Join RMT

If you are already a member of RMT, get active and involved:

  • talk to your RMT rep
  • make sure that RMT has your up-to-date details (address, grade, location, etc)
  • make sure that RMT has your email address and mobile number so the union can contact you quickly and easily
  • persuade a workmate to join
  • get involved in your RMT branch

Used. Abused. Refused. Now re-abused

Used refused and abused,
Now re-abused.

It is disingenuous of London Underground to suggest that the assessments our 33 members were expected to take part in were fair and above board.
The feeling amongst the 33 RMT members is that they were never going to be given a fair crack of the whip on these assessments. What they saw with their own eyes certainly never gave them any confidence they were being treated fairly.

Access Needs Staff

Everyone knows that London Underground is woefully inaccessible to disabled people and others. A major programme of physical improvements to stations would increase access and create jobs. But access also means staff.

For example, RMT supports the continuing use of boarding ramps to enable access for mobility-impaired passengers to London Underground trains. This must be properly risk-assessed and have a safe and effective system of work, and requires adequate numbers of staff on every station to use the ramps.

Tube Drivers Ramp Up Public Protest In Detrainment And Staffing Dispute

TUBE DRIVERS involved in a five week dispute over staff and passenger safety on the Bakerloo Line will take their campaign out onto the streets this Friday as the union ramps up public support and pressure on London Underground.

The drivers and their supporters will be outside Queens Park station from 7.30am to 9.00am this Friday – 22ndFebruary – demanding an end to the spin and lies from LUL and serious talks to resolve the bitter dispute which continues to disrupt Bakerloo Line services on a daily basis despite a barrage of misinformation from Transport for London.

Tube Drivers Ramp Up Public Protest In Detrainment And Staffing Dispute

TUBE DRIVERS involved in a five week dispute over staff and passenger safety on the Bakerloo Line will take their campaign out onto the streets this Friday as the union ramps up public support and pressure on London Underground.

The drivers and their supporters will be outside Queens Park station from 7.30am to 9.00am this Friday – 22ndFebruary – demanding an end to the spin and lies from LUL and serious talks to resolve the bitter dispute which continues to disrupt Bakerloo Line services on a daily basis despite a barrage of misinformation from Transport for London.

RMT & ASLEF Unity Secures Safe Process For Works On Jubilee Line

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that LUL has agreed to place telephones at 60m intervals through the relevant section of the Jubilee line during the tunnel relining, to enable the discharge of traction current in an emergency. This is similar to the arrangement on the Heathrow loop, and is acceptable to our representatives.