London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Transfer of 'Prosecution Activities' From LUL to TFL


‘That we note the local processes have now concluded and we note the position. Should any issues arise from future meetings with the company the General Secretary is instructed to place these matters in front of this GGC’

Tube Bosses "Not Conducting Meaningful Negotiations" In EJM Dispute

I write to advise branches that the General Grades Committee has discussed the latest position in relation to our Every Job matters dispute. Our Regional Organiser reports that management are not conducting meaningful negotiations over this plans and are in fact moving to implement them without agreement. We are acting in conjunction with our sister union TSSA and have outlined our demands which are as follows:

  • A clear unconditional commitment that no member of staff will suffer a loss of substantive pay

Members Meeting Called On Tube Cuts Dispute

A mass meeting of all London Underground members has been arranged to discuss the current situation in our campaign against LUL’s plans to cut jobs and close ticket offices. The meeting has been called to gauge the view of members which will be fed back to the union’s executive when it considers our next course of action.

The meeting will take place on Friday 22nd August 2014 at the Indian YMCA near Warren Street Station from 2pm.

Indian YMCA
41 Fitzroy Square

I hope you will be able to attend this important meeting.

London Travel Watch Wants Your View On Tube Cuts Plan

London Travel Watch is surveying passengers about their use of London Underground ticket offices. The survey also asks what passengers think of London underground's bosses proposals; which include cutting nearly a thousand staff and closing all ticket offices.

You can complete the survey here.

For more information about the planned cuts, and the RMT's response have a look here.

Bakerloo News - August 2014

Here is the latest edtion of Bakerloo news. in this edition:

  • Stand firm against cuts - prepare for action
  • What is Bakerloo news?
  • Ghost trains on the Bakerloo
  • Management want non-SS licensed staff to open and close stations... An open and shut case
  • Vote Yes to keep the political fund!
  • Something’s bugging us...
  • Reinstate Dave Hanson!

RMT Motion Highlights Concerns About Treatment Of Brother Moriarty

This Branch calls upon the General Grades Committee to instruct the General Secretary to raise with LUL at highest level the ongoing treatment of Brother Jason Moriarty.

The Branch is concerned that LUL management are acting maliciously by giving credence to numerous and ridiculously false allegations against our member.

Canteen Strike Begins Next Monday

Branches will be well aware of the case of Brother Petrit Mihaj who was dismissed by Sodexo earlier this year. An Employment Tribunal has ruled that he was unfairly dismissed for his Trade Union Activities but despite winning, there is unfortunately no obligation on the company to reinstate him. The judgement was scathing of the treatment he has received and pointed out numerous failings by the Company during the investigation and suspension leading to this unfair dismissal.