London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

London Underground Pay talks Update - A 'Laughably Inadequate' Offer

This morning myself and senior RMT Functional council reps attended a special meeting of the LUL company council to deal with this year’s pay claim.

LUL made the first offer of this pay round, we have agreed to go back tomorrow at 1000 to continue the discussion .

The offer is a two year deal.

2015 = 0.5%

In return for and for future operation of NIGHT TUBE a Non consolidated (one off payment) for all COO staff and CPD Operational staff, to be paid at two stages £250 twice = £500 in total.

And that’s it!

Defend Alex McGuigan - How You Can Help

Alex McGuigan was sacked following a flawed alcohol test which we believe resulted in a false result. We balloted for industrial action to defend Alex which resulted in a yes vote for strike.

There are lots of ways that you can help Alex get his job back, and help the union ensure that alcohol testing is fair and robust for all of us on London Underground.

  1. Share the facts of the case

Cuts have lethal consequences and RMT’s fight to stop them goes on

  • Come along and join us on February 25th; 8am to 10am and 4pm to 6pm

RMT Bakerloo Line activists, Hands Off London Transport and community groups, will be taking the fight against staff cuts and the closure of tube ticket offices to the public next Wednesday – 25th February - between 8am and 10am and 4pm and 6pm hours with leafleting and petition signing outside Edgware Road (Bakerloo Line) station.

Hounslow West Tube Needs A Ticket Office

RMT Piccadilly and District West Branch and 'Hands Off London Transport' will be demonstrating and leafleting outside of Hounslow West station on Wednesday morning from 7 to 9 am.

London underground wants to close all ticket offices and cut around 850 jobs in a move which will see tube services reduced especially for those who need assistance most, and yet more relatively decent jobs lost in London.

Please join us as we send a message to London Underground bosses and Tory mayor Boris Johnson that we don't want austerity to destroy the tube.