London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

TfL/LUL Pays Directors Handsomely While Cutting Frontline Staff

Click '1 attachment' / file name to read details of TfL / London Underground directors' pay.

A few examples of how much some of our bosses were paid in 2009/10:

  • Peter Hendy, Commissioner of Transport: £393,551
  • David Brown, TfL Managing Director Surface Transport: £316,655
  • Steve Allen, TfL Managing Director Finance: £310,601
  • Vernon Everitt, TfL Managing Director Group Marketing and Communications: £283,919
  • Phil Hufton, LU Chief Maintenance Officer: £267,891
  • Howard Carter, TfL General Counsel: £268,556

RMTv: Pat Sikorski Discusses LUL Job Cuts And Proposed Maintenance Changes During Euston Station Leafletting

Assistant General Secretary Pat Sikorski discusses cuts to jobs at LU and changes to maintenance routines at London Underground. The interview took place whilst RMT activists were leafletting passengers at Euston station.

In the interview, conducted with Geoff Martin, Pat explains "We're telling everyone here at Euston that it's cuts in jobs in stations like this that is going to cost lives in the future....we had a fire in an escalator, the alarm failed to go off - it took alert station staff members to evacuate the station and save lives"

Huge Vote for Action Against London Underground Job Cuts

Are you prepared to take strike action?

  • Total Votes Cast...3727
  • Number Voting Yes...2810
  • Number Voting No...893
  • Spoilt Papers...24
  • (Yes vote is 76% of valid vote = approx. 3:1 majority)

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

  • Total Votes Cast...3727
  • Number Voting Yes...3253
  • Number Voting No...449
  • Spoilt Papers...25
  • (Yes vote is 88% of valid vote = approx 8:1 majority)

Protest/Leafletting: Don't Cut LUL Staff

Wednesday 11th August, Euston Station, London, 8.30am

RMT is holding a mass leaflet of the public on Wednesday morning outside Euston Station and we’d be grateful for your assistance. Wednesday is the day that the LUL ballot result will be announced.

Four weeks ago an escalator fire at Euston was identified by station staff - who might not have been present if the cuts had taken place. For details, click here.

If you can, please join us for an hour on Wednesday.

Regards, Olly New

TSSA And RMT To Hold Tube Staff Cuts Joint Meeting

The Transport Salaried Staffs' Association and RMT are to hold a joint meeting on the 24th August 2010 at 6pm to discuss the action against job cuts on London Underground. The venue is Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, (opposite Euston Station) in the Small Meeting Room.

RMT and TSSA are both balloting members for strike action over the cuts of up to 800 jobs.

The following people will be speaking at the meeting:

  • Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary
  • Gerry Doherty, TSSA General Secretary
  • John McDonnell MP, RMT Chair, RMT Parliamentary Group
  • Steve Hedley – RMT Regional Organiser, London Transport

This is an open meeting and members are invited to attend for an open discussion with the union leaders on how to combat these unnecessary and dangerous cuts.

Resolution: 2011 Pay Claim

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 branch and amended by Finsbury Park branch, was passed by the August meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council believes that RMT's pay claim to London Underground for 2011 should include:

  • a flat-rate pay rise for all grades ie. a sum of money (say, £3,000) rather than a percentage figure. This should not be less than would have been achieved by an RPI pay rise for 2011.
  • a rise sufficient to fund workers having to pay an additional 2.5% VAT from 2011.

Transport for London Pension Fund

From Bob Crow, General Secretary ...

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to bring you up to date with developments in regard to the TfL Pension Fund.

Actuarial Valuation

The results of the latest valuation of the Fund have recently been concluded. The valuation, as at 31st March 2009, assesses whether or not there are sufficient assets to pay for pensions already promised to existing pensioners, deferred pensioners and active members, and also sets employer contribution rates necessary to fund future benefits after the valuation date.