London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Industrial Action Suspended But Our Fight To Save Jobs Continues

From RMT London Transport Region, Regional organiser John Leach

Dear Colleagues

You have nobody to thank but yourselves for what RMT and TSSA has achieved this week. Full details of the details of the deal hammered out at ACAS over Monday and Tuesday are given later in this bulletin. All I’ll say for now is that this is what we were asking for all along.

RMT Prepares For Seven Weeks Of Talks On Every Job Matters Dispute

Dear RMT member,

Following the suspension of the strike action, I and RMT representatives have attended two meetings with LUL management this week. These discussed arrangements for the seven weeks of discussions that we agreed.

I have made it clear that the union is still in dispute over the Fit For The Future - Stations plans and all threats to jobs. RMT is explicitly campaigning against and will resist the cuts that drive these attacks.

There are two meetings of the Joint Working Party (JWP) next Tuesday and Thursday. We will report back after these meetings.

In solidarity

Duplicitous consultation

The strikes were suspended earlier this week as a result of discussion and agreement at ACAS
The details are pretty much well known and will involve the Trade Unions sitting down with LUL and openly and honestly assessing the impact of ticket office closures, amongst other things, at every station across the combine
Rhetoric from LUL CEO and the mayor in the last 2 days show how little these people think of meaningful consultation
Brown states any ticket offices remaining open would be the exception rather than the rule

Fit for the Fightback: Trains - Issue 5

The fifth issue of 'Fit for the Fightback: Trains' is now available. In this issue is an article explaining what our recent success means and a warning that it is only a short term success forcing LUL to begin talking with us properly. There is also an article on RMT activist Mark Harding, who was arrested on the picket line last week.

This is the fifth of our special trains 'Every Job Matters' dispute newsletters produced in the past month, aimed at keeping drivers up to date with the latest dispute news.

All Tube Industrial Action Suspended As Tube Bosses Pause Job Cuts Implementation

Following further talks at ACAS, your Executive Committee considered a proposal from London Underground to resolve our dispute. Having considered this proposal, your Union has suspended all industrial action including the strike that was due to commence from this evening. Therefore you are instructed to work normally.

I can advise you that the full details of the deal reached at ACAS and subsequently confirmed by formal correspondence from LUL is as follows:

Every Job Matters Strike Suspended

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “After two days of intensive and detailed discussions through the offices of ACAS we have now received proposals that halt the implementation of the job cuts set out in the HR1 document which gives us the opportunity to discuss all of the issues away from the pressure cooker.

“We now have a golden opportunity to look again in detail at all of the concerns we have raised about the impact of the cuts on our members and the services that they provide to Londoners. That is exactly what we have been calling for throughout this dispute.

Service Control ACAS Update

Today, your functional representatives attended ACAS, unfortunately despite the many options offered by the RMT London Underground management didn't budge.

We have stated many times that we can only discuss future plans for London Underground when they agree to stop implementing the changes without proper negotiations and discussions.

So far we haven't been able to see eye to eye. We remain hopeful and will attend tomorrow, however we are still unable to call the action off due to management’s reluctance to put a hold to the cuts and enter into meaningful negotiations.

ACAS Update 5 - Every Job Matters Dispute

Dear RMT members

Today we returned again to ACAS . Having adjourned over the previous weekend.

At today's talks there were some proposals made by management verbally , that whilst making some progress did not sufficiently address our core concern of LUL implementing the cuts/fit for stations proposals whilst we are in discussion negotiations.

The talks have adjourned now until 0900 tomorrow 11/02/14 .LUL have told us that they will revise their position and present it to the union .

Fit For The Fightback: Trains, Issue 4

The 4th issue of 'Fit for the Future: Trains' was produced prior to the second planned 'Every Job Matters' industrial action was suspended. It has an article on the success of our initial strike - which since publication is a view that has been proven correct. There is also an article about Mark Harding, an RMT activist arrested on the picket line, and several picket line photographs.