Join Us: Demo Against Tory Cuts

RMT London Transport Region Coach to the TUC National Demo against the Tory party's cuts at the Tory party Conference

Sunday 4th October 2015, Manchester.

Leaving The British Library, Euston Road , Nearest Station Kings Cross at 07.45, Arriving Manchester approx 10.45.

Returning from Manchester on Sunday 4th October 2015 , leaving roughly 17.00 to arrive back in London Approx 20.00

This Coach is ticket only and will be released in 2 stages . 1st stage from now, tickets open only to RMT members and are free

Second stage, if there are tickets left, will be from September 1st when tickets will be released to non RMT members at the cost of £10 Waged/Free unwaged

For those who need tickets, please contact Ross Marshall by Email or via facebook. Alternatively contact us via the website here.