Neasden branch

Welcome to the Neasden Branch page of RMTLondonCalling

Please ensure that you sign into this website, as information such as branch meetings and newsletters are held in the members only area

Metropolitan Line and Jubilee Line North Branch (Commonly known as Neasden Branch) is responsible for members at 34 Stations, 4 Train Crew Depots, 2 Service Control Rooms, 5 Signal Cabins and 2 Revenue Control Depots.

Click here for contact details for industrial and safety reps and branch officials.

Click here for the link to the PDF of the branch dates for 2017.

Neasden branch resolution on management bullying


That we note the resolution from our Neasden Branch; and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our Lead Officer to be placed in front of this NEC by Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all members in the Metropolitan Line South Cover Group: CSA 1&2’s and CSS 1’s.

Neasden Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Jubilee News: dispute special

Jubilee News is a special newsletter for drivers on the Jubilee Line, produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • Management offer increase in Saturday rest days
    The RMT National Executive will debate and make a formal decision about the offer from LU early next week

  • The detail of the offer from LUL​

  • ACAS - An insider’s report

  • ​RMT tells LU 'end the bullying culture' following ET loss
  • Check your details

  • Executive report: Ballot prepared for all LUL grades over unfair sacking

Jubilee Line drivers to strike over new working rosters

We note that the ballot results are as follows:

The result for strike action is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 108

Total votes cast 58 (53.7 %)

Number voting “Yes” 46 (79.3%)

Number voting “No” 12

Spoilt Papers 0

The 40% and 50% thresholds were both met.

The result for action short of strike is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 108

Total votes cast 58 (53.71%)

Number voting “Yes” 50 (86.2%)

RMT affiliation to the Labour Party.

Dear brothers and sisters


The next meeting of Neasden branch will be on 16th May at the torch pub, Wembley Park at 16.00.


As well as usual branch business there will be a discussion on whether or not the RMT should reaffliate with the Labour Party. This is part of the ongoing consultation process before a decision is taken at a Special General meeting on 30th May.


Come along and have your say.

Jubilee Line drivers to be balloted over increased weekend working


The following resolution was recently received from Neasden Branch:-

“This branch notes that London Underground is proposing to introduce Working Timetable 15 from 20th May 2018.

Following a recent schedules meeting and scrutiny by our representatives it became clear that the introduction of WTT15 would increase the volume of weekend working which is in breach of the pay dispute resolution agreement dated 21st May 2016.

Branch Recruitment Evening for Night Tube

All Branch Reps/Members are invited to attended a general walkabout on Friday 19th January in order to promote the RMT Union to Night-Tube Staff within the Neasden Branch area. 

We will be meeting at 20.45hrs at Wembley Park Station, then moving onto various other locations throughout the evening. 

Please make every effort to attend