Every Job Matters - Defending London Underground Jobs


RMT Members on London Underground To take 5 Days Strike Action

RMT Members on London Underground are to take five days strike action, split over two weeks, in reaction to London Underground bosses continued threat to cut hundreds of jobs.

"As a result of the disgraceful outcome of the talks at ACAS and the breach of trust between ourselves and the company we agree that further strike action and action short of strike action is absolutely necessary to further this union’s central objectives to defend the job and protect the travelling public. Accordingly we instruct all our members, excluding Fleet staff, not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-


Special joint meeting sponsored by Jubilee South, H&C and Morden & Oval branches
At Exmouth Arms 1600 Wednesday 23 April
All members welcome

Stand together and fight for what's right
This is the fight of our lives for our jobs now and in the future
Please download , print and display the attached flyer

Regional Organiser's 'Every Job Matters' Talks Report

"We will fight, be prepared for strike action"

Today myself and senior reps reported back to ACAS the results of the previous 8 weeks of talks on the issues Fit for Future Stations .

The fact is that management still intend to close every ticket office, use selection to make people reapply for their jobs, cut 953 jobs and tear up agreements.

Tube Job Cuts Talks Report Reveals 1800 Job Cut Threat

  • Update as current talks reach conclusion
  • 1800 front line jobs threatened
  • LU is demanding cuts in operational pay rates while suggesting that a salary four times that of the Prime Minister is not enough for a senior manager.
  • Disastrous reforms which nobody besides senior management either need or want

Please print and distribute the newsletter below, from which this text is taken

London Transport Region Update For April 2014

  1. General Secretary election
    Following the tragic death of Bob Crow, RMT has announced the timetable for the election of a new General Secretary. Following some months during which union branches will nominate candidates, members will vote by postal ballot between 21 July and 22 September 2014.

    More information here: http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/election2014

Be Prepared To Strike

Dear RMT reps/activists

Please see attached some new flyers for distribution to London Underground members. The purpose of these is to ensure that members know that we will probably need to strike again and that they are ready for this; that non-members are encouraged to join and be part of the fight; and to step up pressure on LUL management.

Printed copies will be available at the Regional Council Executive meeting next Tuesday and after that from Unity House.

Every Job Matters Talks - Equalities Report & RMT Solutions To Concerns

A group of union reps are examining the impact of London Underground Ltd’s proposals for Fit for the Future – Stations on equality groups including women members, black and ethnic minority members, lesbian/gay/bi/trans members, disabled members, older members (55+) and younger members (under 30).

Defend Our Rep Ian Stewart

Download attached pdf. print and display at your work place

Why is London Underground sponsoring a complaint made by the owner of this offensive avatar that adorns the twitter account of the ludicrously named "busting4aslash"? Mr. Slash is a troll. Mr. Slash has
an offensive avatar, that depicts what would be, if done in real life, a criminal offence, for sure.

Tube Job Cut Plan Driven Purely By a Mindset of Saving Money

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

I write to update you on the situation within LUL following our decision to suspend further industrial action last month.

We are now half way into the seven week period of extensive talks. In this time there was an initial meeting of the JWP to set out a programme for the seven weeks. Then, the week before last, there were two further meetings of the JWP. Last week we met as a main group once and this was followed by smaller working meetings. These are now pencilled in for up until the end of March together with weekly meetings of the main group.