When do tube bosses plan on making these devastating cuts and changes to jobs?

Winter 2013
Proposed date for DSMs, Supervisors, SCRAs and SAMFs to apply for VS (until 21st Jan)
• Proposed date for Status letters posted to affected staff informing them of potential changes to their role
• Proposed date VS applications period to close
• Proposed date for decisions to reached on all VS applications

Spring 2014
• Proposed date for Selection of DSMs for AMS roles; complete – All AMS roles filled
• Proposed date for Development & Selection for Supervisors to commence (for CSM roles) Proposed date for all CSM roles filled (from Supervisor, SAMF & SCRA population)
• Proposed date for CSA roles to be filled

Late 2014:
• Proposed date for when we bosses begin to implement the new Stations Operating Model