What did the GGC decision to call industrial action say?

We note that this morning, LUL announced:

  • that every ticket office will close by 2015
  • that nearly one thousand jobs on stations will go, with a net loss of 750 jobs
  • that stations will be staffed when trains are running, which suggests that they may not have Supervisors present and may no longer be staffed when trains are not running at night
  • a thoroughgoing restructuring of station staffing, with all job roles changing and staff being re-evaluated for their own jobs

In line with our previous decision on 19 November 2013, we instruct the General Secretary to hold an immediate ballot of all LUL members for strikes and action short of strikes, with notice to be served by Tuesday 26 November 2013 and the ballot to close in January 2014.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately issue the following statement to our members, the press, the public and the company:

Read the rest of th decision here.