WEBCAST: RMT Annual General Meeting 2011

The RMT's Annual General Meeting can be watched live by signing in to the RMT website.

RMT’s AGM, the annual parliament of the union, is being webcast LIVE on the Internet TODAY, tomorrow and Wednesday from 9.30am to 5.30pm. You can also watch the previous days events. The video has been indexed so if you are interested in a specific motion or discussion it is easy to find.

How to watch the webcast:

  • If you have previously set yourself a password at the members area of the RMT website you may go direct to www.rmt.org.uk/webcast and use your user name (RMT membership number) and password to log on to the webcast.
  • If you haven’t yet set yourself a password for the members area then go to www.rmt.org.uk/members and follow the instructions. Once you are registered proceed to the members area and choose the webcast option.