TUC Disabled Workers Step Up Accessible Transport Campaign

The TUC Disabled Workers' Committee's accessible transport working group (convened by RMT's janine Booth) met on Monday 6 January, and drafted these plans.


Key issues/demands:

  1. guards on trains
  2. staff on stations
  3. step-free access
  4. priority use of space over buggies and luggage
  5. stop hate crime against disabled passengers and staff
  6. adequate training for staff on assisting disabled passengers
  7. ‘Turn Up And Go’ - no requirement to book in advance
  8. use of all appropriate communication formats
  9. free travel for disabled passengers and companions
  10. accessible licensed taxis
  11. benign sensory environment


All these demands will be easier to achieve if public transport is publicly-owned.


We noted that Mayor Sadiq Khan has announced companion pass for TfL




Support strikes eg. RMT strikes to keep guards on trains

  • promote @DP4guards on Twitter
  • organise Twitter storms
  • groups to visit picket lines
  • promote ‘support selfies’

Collecting disabled people’s stories

  • how guards and station staff have assisted 
  • how lack of staff has obstructed access
  • set up online submission form for people to tell their stories
  • collate these stories: use in publicity

Taking our case to the government

  • demand meetings with Transport Secretary, Association of Train Operating Companies etc
  • protest at Department for Transport, jointly with DPAC

Campaign summit

We had previously planned a campaign summit on accessible transport, but now think it is preferable to have a session on accessible transport at the planned disabled people’s campaign summit