TUC Disabled Workers Oppose Anti-Union Laws

The TUC Disabled Workers' Committee working group on opposing anti-union laws (convened by RMT's Janine Booth) has drawn up this plan.


TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference decided to seek a legal challenge to the requirement for postal-only voting in industrial action ballots. We will chase up the TUC and unions for a progress report.


We agreed to circulate this article explaining how anti-union laws hamper disabled workers fighting back: https://theclarionmag.org/2019/06/03/disabled-workers-and-the-anti-union-laws/


Now we have a new, majority Tory government planning a new anti-union law, requiring a minimum service to run during transport strikes. The Tories will present this as a users-vs-workers conflict of rights, and will argue that the minimum service is essential to safeguard the rights of people to travel, and will no doubt opportunistically cite disabled people as an example. We will counter this, including through a Disabled People for the Right to Strike statement.


We will collect short statements and thirty-second video clips from disabled people in support of the right to strike.


Last year, the Free Our Unions campaign invited us to run a workshop at the conference it planned for earlier this year. We will ask whether that conference will still go ahead, and work with FOU on this or other events it organises.