Poll Proves People want Change and New Priorities
An exclusive poll commissioned for the launch of the People’s Charter for Change at the House of Commons on Wednesday 11th at 10.30 has shown that people across the country are demanding a new set of priorities to deal with the present economic crisis.
The poll commissioned by the Peoples Charter from the reputable polling organisation TNS, asked 1000 people 4 different questions – the results show just how out of touch the government is with public opinion.
Asked which should have the higher priority during the recession, support for banks and bankers or investment in protecting jobs, a staggering 87% of those asked said the higher priority was protecting jobs, with just 9% supporting the government’s present position of supporting the banks.
When asked if previously publicly owned companies like water, gas, electricity, transport and communications should be brought back into public ownership, over two thirds of respondents agreed those companies should be renationalised. (31% strongly agreeing, 36% slightly agreeing.)
On the question of what measures should be taken to deal with the present housing crisis, the poll asked if respondents would support a programme to build 3 million affordable homes – just under three quarters, 71% agreed, (38% strongly agreed, 33% slightly agreed.)
And the result of the final question shows just how out of touch people feel their politicians are with their views. Asked if they felt politicians were not listening to people like them in the present economic crisis, 76% they felt that they weren’t being listened to, (44% strongly agreeing, 32% slightly agreeing.)
Commenting on the results of the poll, Bob Crow from the RMT and one of the founders of the People’s Charter said:
“This poll shows just how out of touch leading politicians are. Public opinion is on the move. Nearly 90% of people want investment in protecting jobs. They do not want the present policy that bails out the banks, where toxic debt is protected and the only people who seem to benefit are the senior executives who get to keep their bonuses and their pensions, while thousands are thrown onto the dole.
I am particularly pleased that my own union’s policy of bringing back transport into public ownership is in closely tune with public opinion.”
John McDonnell MP, who is also a founding supporter of the People’s Charter said:
“This poll is a referendum on the government’s wrong direction. It is clear that public opinion is way ahead of the present policies that the government are putting forward. The clear message from these results is that the country is in the mood for a radical new agenda to deal with the present economic crisis.”
And Matt Wrack from the Fire Brigades Union also a founding supporter of the peoples Charter said:
“It is now clear that the values and principles of the Charter are in line with public opinion. The job for those of us who have help set up this new movement is to reach out to the people of this country, get them to sign up to the Charter, creating a voice which no government can ignore.”
For press enquiries and requests for interviews please contact the people’s Charter press office on 07711 156 881
Notes to Editors
The opinion poll referred to in this release is available from the Charter Press office. Please call 07711 156 881 for a full copy.
The Charter has already the support of the leaders of 12 unions including Tony Woodley (UNITE) Bob Crow (RMT) Matt Wrack (FBU) and Mark Serwotka (PCS); 16 mps have signed an early day motion in support of the Charter; six national unions are supporting the Charter and high profile people in the public eye or in their own fields including: Doreen Lawrence, Linton Kwesi Johnson, John Hendy QC, Max Stafford-Clark, Ken Loach, Billy Bragg, Peter Tatchell, Mark Steel, Imran Khan ( lawyer), Mark Thomas, Mike Mansfield(QC), Professor Keith Ewing, Tony Benn, Victoria Brittain, Suresh Grover.
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