I'm a train driver. Should I vote Yes for industrial action?


Derail LUL’s plans for driverless trains

  • RMT wrote to LUL demanding assurance that all future train stock will have a driver’s cab – LUL’s response refused to give this assurance.
  • LUL wrote that ‘Any new train is likely to be operable in a number of modes’ and that it could not rule out any option.
  • The company admitted that it is ‘currently starting to plan the next generation of rolling stock’ – driverless trains are not a distant plan, but a process that is starting now.
  • A trial has recently started on the Central line of automatic obstruction detection equipment. This is a preparatory step towards driverless trains.
  • Train-building company Siemens is running an exhibition in Docklands showing a model of a driverless train.
  • We can not wait until these trains are designed and ordered before we challenge this. We need to stop the preparations for driverless trains and resist now.

Station staff cuts impact on drivers

  • LUL is introducing mobile supervision on some stations, and it intends to further cut station staffing.
  • LUL says that stations will be staffed while trains are running, but NOT that these staff will be Station Supervisors.
  • What if you have an incident at a station with no supervisor on duty (because s/he is at another station) or maybe no staff at all? A one-under, or door problem, or aggression or assault from a passenger? You will be on your own.