I work in engineering. Should I vote YES for industrial action?


London Underground Ltd is stepping up its project to casualise the workforce and attack our terms and conditions. The company’s aim is to remove obstacles to cutting jobs, and to drive down the conditions of those who remain. Even if there is no immediate threat to scrap your particular job, this process is going on all around us, so this is a fight for us as well as for other grades.

LUL is:

  • reinterpreting agreements at will; removing rules and procedures; and slowly dismantling our conditions
  • using nearly 1,000 agency staff instead of directly-employed, permanent workers
    reducing the frequency of track inspections and of ultrasonic testing
  • Meanwhile, our workmates at Tube Lines – and those recently transferred from Tube Lines – are still denied equal rights and benefits.

London Underground now plans to slash nearly 1,000 stations jobs, to not have Station Supervisors on duty at every station, and to leave some stations unstaffed at night. Station staff – especially Station Supervisors – are responsible for:

  • booking you on and off when you work on a station – without their presence, you could be left waiting around for someone to come from another station further down the line.
  • your safety while you are working – without them, who will raise the alarm in the event of a fire or incident?!
  • ensuring you have access to facilities and any information, access etc that you may need – if station supervisors are taken away, or replaced by private security guards, we will soon miss them!