Disabled Workers - Know Your Rights!
Disabled? You have the right to:
  • not be discriminated against
    • directly: being treated worse because you are disabled
    • indirectly: by policies that are harder for disabled people to meet
    • arising from something you do because you are disabled
  • reasonable adjustments
    • workplace changes to help overcome disadvantage
    • includes equipment, staff support, or changes to your hours or duties 
    • your employer pays; government funding is available
  • not be harassed: 
    • freedom from unwanted conduct that humiliates, distresses or offends you
You also have the right:
  • to join RMT and be represented by your union
  • to complain about discrimination
  • to confidentiality
Denied your rights?
Contact RMT. Together we can assert the rights you have and win better rights.
RMT supports the social model of disability.
We understand that society disables people by creating barriers to people with impairments or differences.
RMT has produced this brief guide in a credit-card-sized format. Email Janine Booth to request copies to be sent to you or click the attached file to download the artwork.