London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT salutes success of rock solid tube safety action and calls on London Underground to halt cuts and start serious talks

TUBE UNION RMT today saluted the solid support of members for the joint action with sister union TSSA on London Underground that successfully turned the spotlight on cuts to safe staffing levels and which has ratcheted up the pressure on Boris Johnson and his transport officials to drop their plans and start talking seriously about a safe and secure future for the tube network.

Bob Crow Discusses Action Against LU Job Losses On Picket Line At Euston Station

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow discusses the union action to stop 800 job cuts at LUL. Bob attended the picket line at Euston and was interviewed for RMTv by Geoff Martin.

Tube unions RMT and TSSA embarked on a 24-hour strike on September 6, 2010 which caused the suspension of most underground lines, with many stations closed and trains cancelled due to a solid turn out from members disgusted by LU's plans.


Tube union RMT confirmed this morning that support for strike action amongst both TSSA and RMT members’ remains rock solid as the two unions continue their fight for tube safety and safe staffing levels.

RMT are also filing reports this morning with the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) detailing clear breaches of safety regulations:

Tube safety strike protest at Euston

TUBE UNION RMT will be leafleting members of the public at Euston station tomorrow (September 7) morning at 8am, in the middle of 24 hours of strike action, to explain the core safety issues at the heart of the current dispute.

RMT will be making the case that the current 800 job losses, amongst station and platform based staff, are the thin end of the wedge as Mayor Boris Johnson and his officials look to slash billions from transport spending in the Capital to pay off the costs of the failed tube privatisation experiment and to meet ConDem government spending targets.

London Underground playing “fast and loose” with safety as strike looms

TUBE UNION RMT today accused London Underground of “playing fast and loose” with safety in the run up to strike action starting later today as the union revealed that tube management have issued a call volunteers to try and run services regardless of whether they have the necessary Operational Licences.

RMT Executive decision on industrial action, London Underground

We note that LUL plans to cut 800 jobs is only the next stage of their plans to turn the Underground into a second or third class system. They are brazenly cutting safety standards and public service in a reversal of Mayor Johnsons pledges prior to his election

The strong vote by RMT members across LUL shows the determination of our members to resist this attack, which has been combined with a n aggressive series of sackings of staff for workplace errors and illness.

10,000 Tube staff to strike to defend jobs and safety

SOME 10,000 members London Underground’s two biggest unions will begin a rolling series of strikes on September 6 against plans to axe 800 station and other staff and close ticket-offices, after RMT and TSSA members voted overwhelmingly for action to defend jobs and safety.

Ex-Metronet (maintenance and engineering) staff will begin their first 24-hour strike at 17:00 on September 6, with similar action also scheduled to begin at the same time on Sunday October 3; Tuesday November 2, and Sunday November 28.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - August 2010

Click on the attachment below to read or download the August edition of Monthly News, the newsletter of Finsbury Park branch.

In this edition:

  • JOB CUTS? NO WAY! Members vote to fight against job losses;
  • JOIN THE RESISTANCE TO THE GREAT ROBBERY! Monthly News lists some of the other disputes taking place across the country and explains the common thread that links them with ours - the ConDem government cuts programme;

'RMT London Calling' August 2010

The new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter asks how it is that TfL/LUL 'can't afford' frontline jobs and regular maintenance, but can afford massive salaries for directors. It also reports on the Alstom pay dispute, Euston escalator fire, Northern line runaway train and other issues, and replies in detail to last week's London Underground management bulletin about our industrial action ballot result.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it.