RMT Steps Up Campaign For Trainspeople And Other Super-Exploited Agency Workers

That we note a meeting has taken place on 15th November 2012 with representatives from 4 Regional Councils (Midlands, London Transport, North West & North Wales, Manchester & North West), GGC members, Assistant General Secretary, and members employed by trainpeople.co.uk.

The General Secretary is instructed to write to the 8 regional councils that did not send representatives seeking an explanation as to their non attendance at the aforementioned meeting.

The following issues were identified:

  • Low Pay (Minimum Wage) & hours of contractual work as little as 8 hours per week.
  • RMT Union activists being “blacklisted”, members who speak out being victimised by having hours cut.
  • Failure to issue relevant licences on London Underground
  • Lack of Travel Facilities
  • Sacking members then re-advertising jobs.
  • Picking up equipment in their own time before commencing work.
  • Potential for employers to undermine existing terms and conditions and reduce complements of staff.

It is clear these workers are being super-exploited by the TOC’s and London Underground.

It was reported at the meeting that Trainpeople.co.uk have been used by London Underground, Chiltern Railways, First Great Western, London Midland, East Midlands Trains, South West Trains, Northern Rail, East Coast Trains, Grand Central, Hull Trains and Southern.

We note a meeting with our solicitors and Trainpeople.co.uk London Underground members has been arranged for Thursday 22nd November 2012.

The General Secretary is instructed to carry out the following:

  1. Write to all Train Operating Companies and London Underground highlighting the abuse that these workers suffer and asking as to what agencies they use.
  2. Write to all Train Operating Companies and London Underground asking for all Trainpeople.co.uk agency workers to be directly employed on decent pay and conditions.
  3. Produce a “Know your Rights” card for agency workers.
  4. Write to all our lead officers for Train Operating Companies & London Underground , branches & regional councils asking for details of where agencies are used.
  5. To organise a national recognition campaign for Trainpeople.co.uk, we refer to the December 2012 Council of Executives statutory meeting the issue of a £1 per week contribution rate.
  6. Pursue a dispute with London Underground over breaches of the 2008 casulisation dispute settlement.

All responses received to be placed on file and further this matter is to be placed back before the General Grades Committee by 20th December 2012 for due consideration.