Message from Steve Hedley re. Assault Conviction

You may have read a completely false story about me in the Evening Standard.

The real story is this. I was at Mile End station and was aware that three trains had dropped off passengers at a station that was supposed to be closed. I went to question a manager as to why he was keeping the station open with fewer people than the minimum number required and in so doing breaking the law. [Section 12, brought in after the Kings Cross disaster]

The manager leaned towards me in an aggressive way, only inches from my face, and I put my hand on his shoulder to prevent him headbutting me. Three independent witnesses including a prosecution witness confirmed my story; the manager had no witnesses. Despite this the bosses' court could not resist the opportunity to have a political stab at the RMT and fined me £200 plus £500 costs. I am of course appealing.

Ironically during the last Metronet strike I saved a Standard photographer from a management thug who attacked him (see here). Of course this did not get reported in the Standard or any other paper. One law for them, another for us.

Steve Hedley
RMT London Transport Regional Organiser