Flexible Working Survey

Have you ever applied for 'flexible working'? ie. For changes to your hours or location of work to suit your caring responsibilities? RMT is surveying members' experiences of applying for flexible working. We know that while getting the flexible working arrangement you want can be a great boost to your 'work-life balance', getting it can be a difficult process.

By gathering information about your and others' experiences, we can boost our campaign to strengthen your right to flexible working.

Metronet is Back in LUL - But TUPE Transfer Concerns Remain


RMT Members on Metronet are rightly pleased to be returning to London Underground Ltd and public ownership after 5 years in the private sector. Though no one seemed to be listening at the time; the RMT said all along that “the PPP would end in tears”, and foresaw the huge waste of millions of pounds of tax payers money “disappearing” out to the Metronet shareholders!



Train Operator’s pay stopped after eye operation!

Merry Christmas from Morden Management

A Morden train operator has had his pay stopped because he has had an eye operation for a detached retina. If this condition had not been treated he would have lost the eyesight in his right eye.

Management tried to force Bob to come back to work on alternative duties. Bob declined this offer, the operation was successful and he was recovering at the expected timescale.

TUC launches guide to help young people find A Place to Live

Press release from the TUC

To help young people find decent housing in the economic downturn, the TUC has today [Friday 5 December] published A Place to Live today.

A Place to Live is a new housing advice guide for young people. The comprehensive leaflet presents the housing options available for young people, from living with parents or in rented accommodation, through to buying their own home.

EDF power workers on London Tube strike again for pay parity

RMT press release, issued today

RMT SHIFT workers responsible for fault-finding and maintaining the electrical supply to London's Tube will begin their second 36-hour strike tonight after employer EDF Energy Powerlink failed to budge on their claim for pay-parity with day workers.

Some 25 RMT 'shift testers', who work both night and day shifts, will not book on for turns that commence between 19:59 tonight, December 7, and 07:59 on Tuesday (December 9).

Cleaners Refute Reasons For ICS Compliance Checks And Claim Victimisation

ICS management has started the obnoxious compliance check. We all know very well that this is a vicious and calculated device to victimise cleaners for their union activities. Now more than half of the ICS staff are supplied by agencies and one need not be a genius to predict that the current exercise will effectively do our membership a great harm. Indubitably, relying on agency staff serves them perfectly well since they are the most vulnerable of all cleaners. The unwritten law: "Don't join RMT and dance to our tune" or else goodbye.

DLR Staff Ballot for Action

Circular No. 289/08, Thursday 11th December 2008


Members working in the DLR Control Room for Serco Docklands will be balloted for strike action and industrial action short of strike due to their management’s insistence on imposing new rosters.

Christmas Party and Busworkers' Meeting

Don't forget the London Transport Regional Council's Christmas party is on Friday 12th December at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, Euston from 1830 onwards. Free food and limited free bar are available. Everyone is welcome.

Also busworkers meeting at Unity House on Monday 8th December 1300-1500 to elect bus grades committee.

Metronet ballot possible: one for the road?

Following some very unsavory legal advice it now appears that jobs will be under threat when Metronet staff return to London Underground on 8th December. It appears that although all the staff are being tranferred to LUL, the contracts will remain with Metronet. This makes it possible for example that Metronet withdraw the contract from LUL and give it, let's say, to Balfour Beatty leaving the current Metronet employees jobless. The advice is provided in full underneath.

----Original Message-----

Dear Bob,