Docklands Light Railway strike suspended

RMT press release, issued today

A STRIKE by members of Britain’s biggest rail union working in the control room of the Docklands Light Railway has been suspended after the company agreed to leave existing roster and leave arrangements in place pending the outcome of further talks.

Some 30 RMT members had been scheduled to begin a 24-hour stoppage at 13:05 on Monday in a dispute over changes to weekend working hours.

The union had already suspended a work-to-rule scheduled to begin on January 5, but gave notice of strike action after subsequent talks foundered.

“Serco Docklands has now agreed to keep the status quo on rosters, rest days and holiday arrangements pending the outcome of talks, and has allocated extra relief cover to allow that to happen,” RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today.

“That means there will be no imposition of the disputed rosters and our members will be able to take holidays as normal, and on that basis we have suspended the action due to begin on Monday.

“Our reps have already made proposals which we believe satisfy all of the company’s concerns, and we hope there can now be the basis for a negotiated settlement that satisfies all sides,” Bob Crow said.

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 13th March
Scotrail workers will be balloted for strike action over Driver Only Operation (DOO) trains, RMT can reveal.