Stay safe make sure it is off

We have raised concerns with LUL and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) about Train Operators leaving trains in tunnel sidings and being expected to leave the sidings with traction current still on.

The ORR has confirmed that the default position as outlined in law, is that traction current should be off in these circumstances.

The ORR further added that it is not for the Train Operator to request traction current off or for the controller to tell the Train Operator to come out with traction current still on.

LUL have advised us that they intend to set up a review of the activities that may be undertaken with traction current on, with justification given against the requirements of Regulation 14 (a), (b) & (c) of the Electricity at Work legislation.

We will update further the outcome of this review. In the meantime no Train Operator should leave a tunnel sidings with traction current still on.